
Monday, June 24, 2019

Boys with long hair!

My son is 4 almost 5 and has always had long hair, he loves it. You ask him if he wants a hair cut and his answer is always no.

Hair cutting is a sensory issue for him. First he's not a fan of people touching him, doesn't do well with loud noises and he's not good with change.

So hair cutting is a screaming nightmare and really hard on him, we have tried twice. He wants his long hair that is just fine with me.

He is like girls with long hair who hate their hair being brushed but he will let me do it.

People call him a girl all the time and he just corrects them, no I am a boy I have a penis is his normal answer.

Most of my family and his dad's family give us grief about his long hair but we feel it is his hair, his body, his choice. His grandfather on his dad's side went as far as cutting 1/2 his hair when Blaine started to freak out!!! Blaine was so upset about it.  I lost it on him because 1 it isn't his child and 2 it isn't his hair or his body!

I know so many boys and men with long hair, I don't see why people need to make an issue out of it. I made him a shirt that say "Yes I am a boy, I just have better hair than you" this week and his dad has decided to grow his hair long again too.

Children have so little control of anything in their little lives we can at least allow them to have control over what happens to their bodies!

Women have short hair and no one bats an eye but a little boy with long hair and everyone is up in arms.

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