
Thursday, August 30, 2018

Hiking: Dow Wet Lands

Dow wetlands is located on highway 40 just before Corunna. I use those trails quite often as they are kept cut and clean. Also its really peaceful there.

"This 35 acre DOW Wetlands site includes a memorial forest and is a Carolinian zone habitat playing host to a wide variety of plants and animals.  It consists of five ponds joined with meandering shallow channels.  The walking trail is mainly composed of compacted crushed gravel and many of the DOW Wetland Trails are suitable for wheelchair access.  The Dow Wetlands is situated at the corner of LaSalle Road and Highway 40 in Sarnia, Ontario." (

The dogs love it, I love it, so much peace and beauty.  We hadn't been there is a while, not since the spring. It has been too hot of a summer to hike to far with the dogs. Excited with Lexi in toe (Bossco went to the dog park) we started to hike the trails, as we set out I noticed that the grass on the trail was longer than normal and chalked it up to all the rain and they just hadn't been out to groom it that week. The further we go I start to notice ALL of the off shoot grass trails are over run, and pretty much unnoticeable, so we stick to the main trail. As we keep going the main trail is now "unnoticeable" if I didn't know the trail well other than the park benches with grass up to the seats you would never know it was even a trail. It was horrible!!! I can hike any trail, path or no path but I like to stick to area that are groomed to cut back on tick exposure. This is one of those trails that I love using because it is normally so well maintained, I was so disappointed. We finished the trail with cuts on our legs, lots of bites and itchy like no other.

I am not entirely sure who dropped the ball on this trail grooming, but I do have an email into Lambton trails to see what is going on. Normally I would suggest this trail as a fairly easy one and great for ALL ages and fun too, but at this point I wouldn't take anyone there.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Homeschool Week 1 THE PLAN

We are not following a homeschool curriculum right now. We are taking a little bit from each one that I think he will enjoy and trying it out. If he likes and it works, great, if not then we move onto something else.

This is my plan, do I see it going forward 100% not a chance because 1) he is having surgery on the 4th of Sept. 2) He is a 4year old and 3) Well life with a child who has SPD, OCD, Anxiety and low on the spectrum means nothing goes to plan 100% of the time.
As long as Blaine is feeling better the goal is to start Sept 10th.

I have broken all of the learning down into months, weeks and days.

This is what week one looks like:

Day 1:
Sight word "I", a page in his workbook, colour mixing and his journal. Plus our outing which today will be Kids Cook
Sight word activity is cards I made on card stock, cut out and laminated.
The work book we are using right now is called Pre K Learning Essentials
Colour mixing requires 6 containers, paper towel, water and Red, Blue, Yellow food colouring!   
Kids cook this is program put on for 3-6 year olds by the EarlyON Centres. We have never been before so it should be a lot of fun!!!

Day 2:
Sight word I, Workbook, Rainbow Craft and we will be book club and Nature walk.

The sight work activity for today I found on google which I will include at the bottom of the blog.
A page from the workbook.
Rainbow craft I got the idea from pinterest

Book Club for 4-6 year olds is put on the EarlyON Centres. 
The Nature Scavenger hunt/walk it is for 0-6 years and is put on by St. Clair child and youth centre.  

Day 3:
Sight word I, workbook, colour train and After School Discovery Fun for 3-6 year olds.
Sight word activity is the same as day one but with different small words paired "I DO" etc
A page from the workbook
The colour train idea came from of course Pinterest.

After School Discovery Fun for 3-6 year olds is put on by the EarlyOn Centres and a play based program to explore and experience the natural world. 

Day 4:
Sight word I, work book colour scavenger hunt and we will be doing the weekly shopping.
This letter I activity is a work sheet that I found on google. I will include it at the bottom of the blog post.
One page from his workbook
Colour Scavenger hunt is another idea I found of course on pinterest. We will being doing it during a neighborhood walk with the dogs. 

Weekly Shopping doesn't sound much like an outing but it is an important one. He helps me read my list, find the items that we need, helps me pay, bag and the learning from shopping is limitless.

Day 5:
Sight work I, work book, I can sign a rainbow felt board activity, the outing will be play group.
I used different I and small word cards IE "May I, Can I"
1 page from the workbook
Once again Pinterest to the rescue for this colour activity!!! I can sing a rainbow, I cut circles of the colours from felt as we sing the song he will find the colour and put it on the felt bored.

Then it is the weekend and there is no "school" on the weekend!

I store everything in a binder. 1 binder per month. The big stuff is put into those mini totes and labeled with the week on it. Everything is precut and ready to go so there is no panic or stress. Inside my binder I have folders and freezer bags with the paper things that are cut inside them so they don't get ruined.

My "I" Sight word cards. Once I get to the parent centre they will be all cut and laminated.

Each day have the plan on piece of lined paper at the start of that day.

This is the construction paper in a freezer bag for the rainbow craft

My colour hunt bag. I feel handles are better for little ones

The start of each week has its own divider page.

My Plan for week 1 will likely not go as planned but its going to be fun to actually see how everything turns out!! I will blog about the first week and maybe each week after that including where I get my information and other ideas!

Sight word "I" work sheet I found on google

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

My "Perfect" life

Why do we live in a world where what is "shown" on the outside matters the most, when did we become the as long as it "looks" pretty then everything is just peachy generation. Why do we need to show the world only what we will feel is "okay" and wont be judged by nasty ass judgey moms? Like seriously this is what causes mom isolation and depression the inability to vent or talk about what is really going on in life for fear of being judged by others. I am that mom who is careful about what I post on social media because of those out there who choose to judge others. When did we become so judgemental?

How on earth are we supposed to manage everything going on in our world and still look "perfect". My life is far from perfect and today is a "perfect" example of that.

Starting at 2am with being woken up by the thunder storm that shook the entire house great! Then Bossco my akita/shep all 175lbs of him freaking out and pacing and panting and just being in complete panic mode because it is storming out and he so scared of thunder is breaks my heart. Finally I talk him into calming down and doze off 3:30am Blaine wakes up this could have been caused by the storm, having to pee, a night terror, or just because my child doesn't sleep, like ever. I end up falling asleep next to him, causing Bossco to freak out once again because things have changed and its storming. I can't for the life of get him to come up and lay down with us so off he goes and hides in the bathroom. Blaine continues to wake up 2 more times. I finally sneak out not knowing what time it is, lay down in my bed and Blaines dad yells that its time to go...sigh its 6:15. Stop at tims woot!! they get my order right this morning with zero mix ups that's awesome!!! get part way to Blaines dads work and Blaine starts to puke, I SAVE THE BLANKEY (Go mom, go mom!). Get to dads work, get all the chucks off him and head back home. Get Blaine all cleaned up and his car seat cleaned up. Have a disagreement with Connely about parenting. Take Connely to school. Come back home its now 8:30am. I need a shower, Blaine needs a shower (oh this should be fun), I spend 15mins convincing him that we can't go to playgroup smelling like vomit. While doing this I am cleaning, taking out dinner, doing homeschool stuff and putting laundry in. Finally he agrees mainly because the dog tried to get into his new hiding spot and I wouldn't kick her out until he agreed to have a shower. It takes 5 mins to get him undressed and into the shower including promising that he can wash me with the loofa. By the time hes in the shower I now finished but have to be rewashed because that is the only way I can get him washed. Freak outs in the shower include: He is naked, he is wet, his hair is wet, his hair has soap in it, the water is too cold, the water is too hot. Finally he is washed and sitting playing with the toys in the bottom of the shower. I rinse off. I get out tell him to come get dried off with his pokemon towel NOOO its cold out there. Okay while I get dressed I try to convince him that he has to come out of the shower and get dressed so he isn't cold anymore. WOOT hes out!! dried and dressed. OMG I forgot to grab him socks!!! MELTDOWN because he has to have socks in order to wear his shoes and he has none on. SIGH I find him socks (the blue and red ones because I don't want another melt down) I get his socks on him. We get ready to go out the door for play group. Nope no shoes today, okay then no shoes thats fine whatever. Playgroup! Well surprisingly he did amazing at play group today, even played in the water and sand tables. Its time for us to go and he is okay with that. He has to then open or try to open EVERY locker on the way out of playgroup, this takes 10 mins. We pick Connely up from school and take him to work. On the way home Blaine starts freaking in his car seat that this IS NOT the way home. about 10 mins later freaking out the whole time, me trying to explain that its okay I promise we are going home, finally there is a corner he recognizes!!! Melt down over all is right with the world! We get home I make lunch, left over pasta (which he loved and ate last night), blueberries, melon and crackers. He takes one look at it and freaks out complete end of world melt down that he can't eat that because too much food makes him sick....SIGH....he only wants his milk okay fine whatever.  I give him milk and dear god yes my phone because I needed to sew!!! I get the first sew done on the baby blanket and start pinning the silk. MELT DOWN!!! about grass seed ( from last night left in the seeder) getting wet from the storm and it is not okay!!! Get him semi calm with the promise we are going outside RIGHT NOW to make sure the grass seed is just fine. Get his shoes on just right so the tag isn't funny and nothing is rubbing his socks and dad calls they are being sent home early. It is 1pm off to pick up dad promising we will check the grass seed as soon as we get back and dad will even play with you outside. Half way to pick up he realizes we forgot blankey MELT DOWN. okay distract with learning car games! nope nothing is good enough. Pick up dad come home and dad takes him outside. I have a migraine and am very very sore from my own lovely issues. I lay down. Blaine and Lexi coming running in 45 mins into my nap soaking wet. He needs a change of clothes okay well dad can help you. MELT DOWN and 15 mins of trying to get him changed because he doesn't want to be wet but he doesn't want to get undressed either and the dog MIGHT lick him. Finally get him changed and dinner into him, well okay like 3 blueberries but whatever. Off to the park because it is too hot to walk the dogs today and then photo shoot on Grandpas old Harley for Grandpas birthday. Dad takes him to the park because I am too sore to do anymore today. I decide a blog post is what I need to do. Mid blog post Connely needs picked up from work because his day is finished. He has to fend for himself. It is 6:00pm, I have gotten like nothing done today and it is almost time for Blaines bed time. Milk, a chapter from one a book we are reading, a chapter from the learning book (right now it is The Yukon), and an easy reader sometimes he helps me read it sometimes he is too tired (this week is bears on wheels), I sing three songs while rubbing his head and eyes and then I rest my arm on him for a 100 count, roll over but facing him for a 50 count and then some nights I get lucky and hes out other nights its out of bed and try again in 15 mins. Tonight I got lucky and he was out!!! I let the dogs out and suddenly is the dark Lexi is in the other yard, she has gotten out chasing a chipmunk. I panic, Bossco is in panic mode and Lexi is pacing the fence panicking that she got out and can't figure out how to get back. Richard climbs the 6ft fence and passes Lexi to Connely over the fence. We find the tiny hole she squeezed through and fix it! Now I get to pin the silk around a blanket and cut tulle for client orders. Blaine wakes up once to pee, by the end of this is it 11:00pm and I make and drink my "Big Chill" tea from Davids tea. Blaine sleeps until 1:45am wakes up for pee and milk. I get him back to sleep and let the dogs out. I go back to bed. Blaine wakes up again at 3:30am from a night terror I end up falling asleep in there. Richard wakes me at 6am and the day starts all over again!

One day things will change and slow down. One day he wont need me as much. One day he will be able to cope with life better. One day I will miss all of this. So today no matter how unperfect my life is I live in every moment!

Thursday, August 23, 2018

a day in SPD/OCD/Anxiety and more.

Did you know that I have a love hate relationship with acronyms. They are great on saving time and not writing out the full word, they suck when they come after "well you child has.....".

Blaine just turned 4, he was never a "normal" or as the professional put it he is "atypical" child. Beyond intelligent, affectionate, kind, gentle, so many amazing traits.

I have no idea how I made it through the first year.

Blaine never slept for more than 20 minutes at a time day or night for the entire first year. When he wasn't sleeping he was either super happy, playing alert, learning or he was screaming for 4 hours STRAIGHT while I sang, read, walked, bounced, swung and through out it all remained calm and relaxed so he wouldn't fed off any vibes I was giving off. From birth he couldn't swaddled or he would lose it, he hated certain sleepers/outfits, socks, hats, mitts or the like where a HUGE no go. He hated his dad, would lose it if he even held him for a minute. Dressing, diaper changes and anything involving me laying him down resulted in a full out lose his shit moments, no matter what toy or game we played. Once he could stand it was all done while standing, yes even poopy diaper changes. Car rides from the time he was a month old meant SCREAM FEST and throwing up even it was to the gas station. He met milestones long before he was supposed to. He held his own head up at the hospital, rolled over on purpose within the first month, loved food from about 2 months on (no joke you couldn't keep it away from him at 2 months he would steal it off your plate and eat it). He spoke early, walked never crawled. Climbed EVERYTHING before he could walk. He was fully walking on his own by about 7 months. He was saying words like "COOKIE" and reaching for the cookie at about 10 months and it was clean.

By 18 months he had full sentences and at least 100 words. He still hated his dad, and couldn't be left with him. By 18 months he still wasn't sleeping more than 1-2 hours through the night and nap, whats that. Shoes were a no go, socks had to be on certain way and dressing and undressing were a nightmare. Everyone was impressed with how advanced he was. No dirty hands, his toys had to be a certain way, his clothes had to be certain ones, suddenly food was a no go and death to us all and a full change of clothes if he even got a little bit wet. He can't stop moving, he is go from the moment he wakes up until he crashes. His father is telling me it is just in my head.

At 2 we were told he had angioedma, this pretty much means he is allergic to EVERYTHING but at the same time nothing. Today the grass could make him blow up like a balloon, tomorrow the grass will be fine but a scratch from his own finger nail will cause it. He gets a full body rash EVERY TIME he gets sick, even the slightest cold.

 At 3 he was fully night and day time potty trained. Suddenly he was sleeping for 4-5 hours at a time at night as long as you didn't let him even cat nap during the day because if so he was up until at least midnight. At this point he had tubes put in and his adenoids out because he had 36 ear infections from 6 months until 2.5 years. The ENT said after his surgery he had no idea how he could speak so well because he wasn't sure how he heard anything. Scar tissue from the infections has caused hearing damage. Tubes in and the clarity of the speech improved, eating semi improved. 3 months later he gets a double ear infection and we are back to square one but at the time I couldn't figure out why. He was super easy to potty train both pee and poop and he always woke up on his own at night to go pee. He has to clean his hands after playing with anything dirty, loves other kids as long as they don't touch him or his toys or get too much into his space. He is still not a fan of his dad, he is okay for short periods of time or when doing something really fun. Things have to be a ridged certain way and schedules can't change, one seemingly small thing to me ruins the ENTIRE day for him. He can't stop moving even while watching a show or snuggled up for bed. I question his pediatrician, he spends five mins with him in his office and say hes advanced and just very active. SIGH!!! Thanks.

I contact Pathways it takes months but he gets an assessment!! WOOT finally maybe some answers. She meets with me I tell her everything. She says I want to meet with him and recommended St.clair child and youth as well. I make it clear I don't want him medicated I just want more tools for helping him cope with what seems like EVERYTHING is too much for him. I contact st. clair child and youth. Pathways sees Blaine, SPD, OCD, Anxiety and low on the spectrum. I see St. clair child and youth they fully agree. I do their workshops to learn more ways to help him. I see pathways monthly. I am learning, I am watching, I am seeing things I never really paid much attention to before but are seeking behaviors. I learn about cups and how he has shot glasses for most and a GIANT bucket for one of them. He wakes up almost at the top of what he can handle for the day. We work all day on filling his giant bucket so the shot glasses don't over flow and cause melt downs. I don't even pay attention to the stares in public anymore. We have little to no family support from either side so we are doing this on our own and that is okay because then Blaine consistently gets what he needs. He is getting better with his dad. His dad admitted he just didn't want to see what really was going on, but knew something wasn't right. Both Pathways and St.clair agree that homeschool is the best for him.

He has been assessed by the speech pathologist. He will see her every 6 months and she wants his hearing tested once the new set of tubes are put in and his tonsils are taken out. He has very advanced vocabulary and sentence structure, about a 6-7 year old. He has trouble organizing his thought process and mixes up words because of the SPD. 

Learning "why" he does something that makes little or no sense to me and having almost daily AH HA! moments on things that work and don't work. I have read the book the out of sync child and it has given me even more knowledge about him and the reasons "Why". Things will likely never be "easy' with Blaine but I never gave up and got the ball rolling early so he will be able grow up with ways to cope when things inside him are not right. When the whole world is on fire to him, he will know what to do, over time of course. He will also know how to fill his bucket on his own with little to no reminders.

When you see me "giving in" its not really what you are seeing. You are seeing that my son just did a store where the lights are too bright, there are too many people, its too noisy, his clothes hurt, and he is not okay. You are seeing that he is getting a small toy to focus on and you are seeing him freaking out because suddenly it has to be scanned and he has just lost what he was focused on and now the entire world is on fire again.
You are not seeing a child who will not stand still, wont stop touching everything because he "can't listen" you are seeing a child who is overwhelmed by EVERYTHING around him and is looking for some distraction from it all. 

Some days when we have done a good job and his bucket is full you see a child who has great manners, is gentle, kind and loving.

Each day is new and each day we learn new things. As I write this I am preparing to do the weekly shopping which is a nightmare that I must remain calm and relaxed no matter what so he doesn't feed off my feelings.

If I hadn't had the childhood I did, the close bond with my son, the brain injury and the ability to learn, and if it hadn't been for taking care of my nephew I wouldn't have figured things out as quickly as I did. 

SPD and all the comes with isn't easy but helping to give my child the coping strategies to be a "normal" adult is worth it.

We are all great moms just trying to get through this meltdown.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Week 8 work out

Week 8 work out!!

What is your goal this week?
I have had a migraine all week so my goal is to work out everyday .

This weeks work out will be:

20 push ups
2 Burpees
20 normal squats
2 Burpees
20 Russian twists
2 Burpees
20 jumping jacks

20 push ups
2 Burpees
20 legs together squats
2 Burpees
20 Russian twists
2 Burpees
20 jumping jacks

20 push ups
2 Burpees
20 pilo squats
2 Burpees
20 Russian twists
2 Burpees
20 jumping jacks

20 push ups
2 Burpees
20 Sumo squats
2 Burpees
20 Russian twists
2 Burpees
20 jumping jacks

20 push ups
2 Burpees
20 on your toes squats
2 Burpees
20 Russian twists
2 Burpees
20 jumping jacks


Remember just because you can't do it all at once doesn't don't try. Do it in sets, take breaks as you need them and remember its not a race!!!

What is your favourite Exercise?

Friday, August 17, 2018

Mini cheesecakes!!!

Strawberry Mini Cheesecakes

OMG YUM!!! I am not sure what is with everyone wanting mini things but I am in love and there where a few extra so I got to have one too. This order was for a clients dinner party a few weeks back.
I am not going to give my secret recipe but I will explain how to make mini cheesecakes using your favourite cheesecake recipe. I use only baked cheesecakes because I feel the no bake cheesecake is cheating and tastes like crap.

Warning it will make about 36 mini cheesecakes

What you need:
Your favourite cheesecake recipe all whipped up in your mixer
Muffin Tin
Cupcake liners
You are going to want to double your crust recipe
Potato Masher or fork

Preheat oven to 375 degrees (depending on your oven I have to put mine at 350)

Put about 1/2 tablespoon or less of your cookie crumb bottom into each of your lined muffin tins.
Flatten it down and make it as even as possible.
Pour almost to the top of each muffin liners.
Bake in oven for 20 mins or until middle is just about set.
Let cool to room temp
Put into fridge for 3 hours.

Cut up strawberries into tiny pieces (I used about 10 strawberries to cover 12 mini cheesecakes)
Place in a bowl with 1/4 a cup of sugar. (more or less sugar to your taste)
Mash and squish everything up until it is a paste
Cover and put in fridge until ready to serve.

Repeat for raspberry sauce, only difference is I used the whole whole clam shell of raspberries.

Top when ready and serve!!
Raspberry mini cheesecake

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Splash Pads

Water and summer go hand in hand. We love to explore and go to new places so we have tried many splash pads from here to Mitchells bay and up to Bayfield as well. I have 2 favorites and Blaine has his own 2 favorites.

Sarnia's splash pad is inside the Cox Youth Center. This is Blaines favourite because it has a slide, to me this is more of a mini water park than a splash pad because the water sits in the bottom that is about a foot deep. It has picnic tables and shade, the cost is $2.00 per person even parents. The fact I have to pay to sit on the sidelines kinda bothers me but at the same time I know it goes to support the upkeep of the pool and splash pad at that site. There is lots to do and things that are interactive at this site as well as a lifeguard watching the children. I need to remember bug spray when we attend this splash pad because I am always getting eaten alive by the bugs. I bring a book (Which I read between taking cute photos of Blaine and keeping an eye he is being nice to the other kids), towel, snacks and drinks. The hours are funny I am not a fan of them and not sure why they are set up like that 10am-12pm and 2pm-4pm. We usually go in the mornings as it tends to be less busy and we stay until 11:30 so there isn't a mad rush of unhappy children and parents trying to heard them out the splash pad because it is closing.

Point Edwards Splash pad, this one is located semi under the bridge at the waterfront park and I am very disappointed in it. It lacks activities to do on the pad and isn't anywhere near the park like everyone though it would be so the children could go between the two easily.  It has a wonderful picnic area set up. I park myself in the grass because monkey man like to spray me with water from gun or buckets. This one I bring towel, book and drinks because usually we go to Alberts and get fries so no snacks needed.

Wyoming Splash pad again this one is rather lame its no where near the park, the toilet is a port-a-potty (thank goodness I have a boy) there is no shade and it is very very close to road. We have only been to this one once and that was with the preschool for the end of year trip. Blaine had fun because his friends were there but on a normal day we wouldn't pick this one. Also the skate park is right there with metal ramps, the children are drawn to these and they are extremely HOT. To this park I brought towels, snacks, water and my book not that I read it I was too busy keeping children from the road and from wondering off to the skate park.

Port Lambtons Splash Pad this is located at Brander Park. This is my favourite, it is quite, the park is a few feet away, there is a train and until the water levels rose there were 3 small beaches. There is lots of green space, shade, a picnic area, and benches around the park and splash pad. I place myself between the two so he can go back and forth as much as he wants. We bring towels, snacks, water guns, buckets and my book. I was sadden as last year a storm took out some of the splash pad features and the few things taken out by the storm have not been replaced. This is Blaines other favourite!!

Bayfield Splash pad, we went here on one of our trips north. I LOVE this park. The splash pad is small but okay the park is super cool with even ride on sand excavators Blaine loved the park and didn't want to leave. There is lots of shade, picnic area, paths and green space. Even outlets!!! It will be one of our stops every time we head north.

I can't wait to explore more parks and splash pads on our travels. Someone people wonder how I can travel with a child and dogs on hours of driving trips, but they give me the opportunity to explore new places every time we stop!!!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Dog grooming!

175lbs of triple long hair coat and the attention span of a squirrel and you have Bossco and a grooming pain in the butt. I have been to a few groomers and my favourite by far is Jen from Wyoming, she has a grooming salon set up in what used to be a garage.

I used to do all the grooming myself and would brush everyone at least 30 mins everyday but since my car accident hours of grooming Bossco just isn't possible anymore. I still give him a daily quick brush when the weather is nice outside but Jen takes care of the rest thank goodness. She claims he's a dream to groom, hahaha, I figure its like children better when moms not around. 

Petsmart- Their puppy package is great! they are awesome with cats too, when we had twister and towards the end of his life he refused to groom himself and he would have to go to the groomers. They were gentle and kind with him and he looked like he had arse-less chaps when they were done. He hated but I couldn't stop laughing at him. They are very pricey and I am not a fan of the new groomers so we changed.

Vanity Fur (now known as Vanity Fur 2.0)- My sister swore by them it was the ONLY place she would take her baby and he had to have baths often so I decided to give them a try and I loved them until they closed up shop. They have since reopened and now are Vanity Fur 2.0 but I haven't been back since they closed the original. Bossco is not a fan of people he wont bite but he still doesn't like them, hes more like a cat than a dog, and Vanity Fur did amazing with my beast of a chicken.

Casi may she RIP

Jen's Dog grooming- I met Jen a few years ago at an event, when I was looking for a groomer who would Brush out Bossco without shaving him and without using a shaving brush, for me this is very important as northern breeds use their coats to stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer plus they wont grow back right if shaven. Due to the Shep in him he doesn't blow his coat properly so it just stays on him and he only loses fur when brushed out, this can cause hot spots and other skin issues if not taken care of right away. He goes to the groomers about twice a year for a full brush out and then I spend the next 3 weeks brushing 10 other dogs out of him as under coats of fur finally come lose. He also looks like a giant q-tip(Blaine calls him a fluffer butt) when he gets home from the groomers and my backseat needs a good grooming after as well. In a groomer I needed someone who was cage free, comfortable with very large dogs, okay with doing black nails (believe it or not some groomers wont touch black nails) and of course reasonably priced. I believe 100% that groomers need to be paid for their time and supplies but I do not like it should cost 300.00 for a bath and brush out ( ummm ya quoted that more than once because of his size!) Bossco loves Jen and they are amazing with each other.

Jen is currently running a contest on her facebook page. If you go to her page, like it, under the post about the contest (scroll down a bit she didn't pin it to the post) post a picture of your pet and once she hits 600 likes she will do a draw for 1 free grooming!

Go on check it out, only thing you have to loose is 10lbs of dog fur!!!

Monday, August 13, 2018

Week 7 work out.

Week 7 work out!!

OPPS!!! I forgot to posy a week 6 work out, busy weekend with Blaine Birthday left my brained fried.

This weeks goal to do 100 consecutive sit ups. What is your goal this week?

This weeks work out will be:

20 sit ups
2 Burpees
20 normal squats
2 Burpees
20 reverse crunches
2 Burpees
20 jumping jacks

20 sit ups
2 Burpees
20 legs together squats
2 Burpees
20 reverse crunches
2 Burpees
20 jumping jacks

20 sit ups
2 Burpees
20 pilo squats
2 Burpees
20 reverse crunches
2 Burpees
20 jumping jacks

20 sit ups
2 Burpees
20 sumo squats
2 Burpees
20 reverse crunches
2 Burpees
20 jumping jacks

20 sit ups
2 Burpees
20 on your toes squats
2 Burpees
20 reverse crunches
2 Burpees
20 jumping jacks

My back still hurts and I made the silly mistake this weekend of doing the monkey bars at the park after Blaine says hey mom can you do the monkey bars, of course I can do my monkey bars. I couldn't move my injured shoulder very well yesterday nor today but I did it.


Remember just because you can't do it all at once doesn't don't try. Do it in sets, take breaks as you need them and remember its not a race!!!

What time of day do you work out?

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Eating off the floor

Washing the walls today and looking at ALL the toys my child has, which is a lot but when it comes to having other kids here its never enough. I start to think about my childhood growing up we were never allowed to have toys outside our bedrooms, when we had a toy room they were never allowed outside the toy room. We were always sent away to “go play”, I don't have a single memory of my mom actually getting down and playing with me, nor my grandmother who raised me. Adults didn't play! My dad would build things with me like go carts and other things out of wood, but that was teaching me how to use tools properly. I heard a quote and I love it, going back to the way we were raised the way things were “back then”, “We now know better so we must do better”. We know that children do better with adult interaction and play. My son will have millions of memories of us playing together be it at the play ground racing down the slides side by side or in the living room with ALL the toys pulled out around us racing cars. He will have memories of bringing toys to the kitchen table so we can play together while I work. Blaine will not have memories of being “sent away to play”. Does he go and play by himself, of course hes an only child he plays by himself all the time but not hidden away because god forbid someone come over and see his toy mess.

The kitchen is the only room that no toys, dogs and limited children are allowed that is also the room that is spotless cleaned almost daily, this isn't because I am anal about a clean cooking kitchen this is because I bake for people in there and I have seen the inside of restaurant (insert vomit gagging noises) my standards for a kitchen and my house are far higher than that.
My house used to be spotless and at one time I made the kids keep their toys either outside or downstairs, did I play with them kind of but not really. Did I send them to go play, yes, do I now know better, understand better and have been and will do better, YES!

I really dislike when people say, well I was raised this way so its good enough for my kids, we didn't know the things then that we do today. Yes somethings I still do like LOTS of playing outside, exploring and discovering everything and learning by doing as long as its not going seriously hurt anyone. The difference is I am doing it with him hes not alone, he is not left to figure out life and comfort himself when he falls. Knowledge is power and that is true when it comes to children as well.

There are days when I miss a spotless house where you could eat off the floors and when you walked in you smelled bleach and pinesol but today I know better so I do better. We use no chemicals in cleaning, which means Blaine can actually help me with cleaning and he enjoys it. Growing up in the 80's and having a mother who was OCD clean, the smell of bleach and pinesol meant it was clean, today we know these chemicals hurt the earth, people and animals. It is still a struggle not to just pull my bucket out get on my hands and knees and scrub the crap out of everything with these cleaners.
In our brains we create pathways, smells, actions etc cause us to go down these pathways it takes a lot of strength and determination to force your brain to create new paths. Mine is changing the way I think about clean and cleaning. 

My home is tidy, clean (not spotless) and filled with love, fun, and memories. I don't want my son to grow up to appreciate a clean house more than the people in it, that used to be me. So I spend about 30 mins in the morning and 30 mins at night cleaning up the house, I wash floors and walls about once a week give or take and I LIVE, LOVE and be HAPPY.

I don't judge those with untidy homes or spotless homes (might be a little envious at times)

Please note: there is a difference between a clean and tidy home, a spotless home, and dirty home, a child growing up in filth is not okay it can cause serious health, mental health and physical issues.

Its a hard thing to do, stopping feeling guilty about how clean the house, stopping comparing everyone else spotless home to mine, its even harder to not listen to those especially family who believe a spotless home is the upmost importance. Life is more important than eating off the floors besides the dogs will get it first!!!

Thursday, August 9, 2018

mini baby shower cake

Why is that everything is cuter when it is mini. I had a last minute requesting, as in Thursday and they needed it for Saturday, it was just lucky I was in the middle of baking when they messaged me. They sent me a photo of a cake that would serve about 44 people and they only needed to serve 15 so I decided to make a mini version of the cake they wanted. It turned out super cute, now personally I wouldn't have covered it on fondant and would have gone with smooth coat buttercream but it wasn't my cake. 

The top tier of the cake is chocolate with vanilla buttercream, the bottom is vanilla with vanilla buttercream. Both tiers are covered in vanilla fondant with fondant decals. 
The topper and the little toys on the cake are non-edible.  

This mini cake is 4" top and 6" bottom. The client and her guests loved it and thought it was the cutest thing ever as well.

 Do you like mini things? Do you like fondant?