
Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Splash Pads

Water and summer go hand in hand. We love to explore and go to new places so we have tried many splash pads from here to Mitchells bay and up to Bayfield as well. I have 2 favorites and Blaine has his own 2 favorites.

Sarnia's splash pad is inside the Cox Youth Center. This is Blaines favourite because it has a slide, to me this is more of a mini water park than a splash pad because the water sits in the bottom that is about a foot deep. It has picnic tables and shade, the cost is $2.00 per person even parents. The fact I have to pay to sit on the sidelines kinda bothers me but at the same time I know it goes to support the upkeep of the pool and splash pad at that site. There is lots to do and things that are interactive at this site as well as a lifeguard watching the children. I need to remember bug spray when we attend this splash pad because I am always getting eaten alive by the bugs. I bring a book (Which I read between taking cute photos of Blaine and keeping an eye he is being nice to the other kids), towel, snacks and drinks. The hours are funny I am not a fan of them and not sure why they are set up like that 10am-12pm and 2pm-4pm. We usually go in the mornings as it tends to be less busy and we stay until 11:30 so there isn't a mad rush of unhappy children and parents trying to heard them out the splash pad because it is closing.

Point Edwards Splash pad, this one is located semi under the bridge at the waterfront park and I am very disappointed in it. It lacks activities to do on the pad and isn't anywhere near the park like everyone though it would be so the children could go between the two easily.  It has a wonderful picnic area set up. I park myself in the grass because monkey man like to spray me with water from gun or buckets. This one I bring towel, book and drinks because usually we go to Alberts and get fries so no snacks needed.

Wyoming Splash pad again this one is rather lame its no where near the park, the toilet is a port-a-potty (thank goodness I have a boy) there is no shade and it is very very close to road. We have only been to this one once and that was with the preschool for the end of year trip. Blaine had fun because his friends were there but on a normal day we wouldn't pick this one. Also the skate park is right there with metal ramps, the children are drawn to these and they are extremely HOT. To this park I brought towels, snacks, water and my book not that I read it I was too busy keeping children from the road and from wondering off to the skate park.

Port Lambtons Splash Pad this is located at Brander Park. This is my favourite, it is quite, the park is a few feet away, there is a train and until the water levels rose there were 3 small beaches. There is lots of green space, shade, a picnic area, and benches around the park and splash pad. I place myself between the two so he can go back and forth as much as he wants. We bring towels, snacks, water guns, buckets and my book. I was sadden as last year a storm took out some of the splash pad features and the few things taken out by the storm have not been replaced. This is Blaines other favourite!!

Bayfield Splash pad, we went here on one of our trips north. I LOVE this park. The splash pad is small but okay the park is super cool with even ride on sand excavators Blaine loved the park and didn't want to leave. There is lots of shade, picnic area, paths and green space. Even outlets!!! It will be one of our stops every time we head north.

I can't wait to explore more parks and splash pads on our travels. Someone people wonder how I can travel with a child and dogs on hours of driving trips, but they give me the opportunity to explore new places every time we stop!!!!

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