
Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Dog grooming!

175lbs of triple long hair coat and the attention span of a squirrel and you have Bossco and a grooming pain in the butt. I have been to a few groomers and my favourite by far is Jen from Wyoming, she has a grooming salon set up in what used to be a garage.

I used to do all the grooming myself and would brush everyone at least 30 mins everyday but since my car accident hours of grooming Bossco just isn't possible anymore. I still give him a daily quick brush when the weather is nice outside but Jen takes care of the rest thank goodness. She claims he's a dream to groom, hahaha, I figure its like children better when moms not around. 

Petsmart- Their puppy package is great! they are awesome with cats too, when we had twister and towards the end of his life he refused to groom himself and he would have to go to the groomers. They were gentle and kind with him and he looked like he had arse-less chaps when they were done. He hated but I couldn't stop laughing at him. They are very pricey and I am not a fan of the new groomers so we changed.

Vanity Fur (now known as Vanity Fur 2.0)- My sister swore by them it was the ONLY place she would take her baby and he had to have baths often so I decided to give them a try and I loved them until they closed up shop. They have since reopened and now are Vanity Fur 2.0 but I haven't been back since they closed the original. Bossco is not a fan of people he wont bite but he still doesn't like them, hes more like a cat than a dog, and Vanity Fur did amazing with my beast of a chicken.

Casi may she RIP

Jen's Dog grooming- I met Jen a few years ago at an event, when I was looking for a groomer who would Brush out Bossco without shaving him and without using a shaving brush, for me this is very important as northern breeds use their coats to stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer plus they wont grow back right if shaven. Due to the Shep in him he doesn't blow his coat properly so it just stays on him and he only loses fur when brushed out, this can cause hot spots and other skin issues if not taken care of right away. He goes to the groomers about twice a year for a full brush out and then I spend the next 3 weeks brushing 10 other dogs out of him as under coats of fur finally come lose. He also looks like a giant q-tip(Blaine calls him a fluffer butt) when he gets home from the groomers and my backseat needs a good grooming after as well. In a groomer I needed someone who was cage free, comfortable with very large dogs, okay with doing black nails (believe it or not some groomers wont touch black nails) and of course reasonably priced. I believe 100% that groomers need to be paid for their time and supplies but I do not like it should cost 300.00 for a bath and brush out ( ummm ya quoted that more than once because of his size!) Bossco loves Jen and they are amazing with each other.

Jen is currently running a contest on her facebook page. If you go to her page, like it, under the post about the contest (scroll down a bit she didn't pin it to the post) post a picture of your pet and once she hits 600 likes she will do a draw for 1 free grooming!

Go on check it out, only thing you have to loose is 10lbs of dog fur!!!

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