
Monday, August 13, 2018

Week 7 work out.

Week 7 work out!!

OPPS!!! I forgot to posy a week 6 work out, busy weekend with Blaine Birthday left my brained fried.

This weeks goal to do 100 consecutive sit ups. What is your goal this week?

This weeks work out will be:

20 sit ups
2 Burpees
20 normal squats
2 Burpees
20 reverse crunches
2 Burpees
20 jumping jacks

20 sit ups
2 Burpees
20 legs together squats
2 Burpees
20 reverse crunches
2 Burpees
20 jumping jacks

20 sit ups
2 Burpees
20 pilo squats
2 Burpees
20 reverse crunches
2 Burpees
20 jumping jacks

20 sit ups
2 Burpees
20 sumo squats
2 Burpees
20 reverse crunches
2 Burpees
20 jumping jacks

20 sit ups
2 Burpees
20 on your toes squats
2 Burpees
20 reverse crunches
2 Burpees
20 jumping jacks

My back still hurts and I made the silly mistake this weekend of doing the monkey bars at the park after Blaine says hey mom can you do the monkey bars, of course I can do my monkey bars. I couldn't move my injured shoulder very well yesterday nor today but I did it.


Remember just because you can't do it all at once doesn't don't try. Do it in sets, take breaks as you need them and remember its not a race!!!

What time of day do you work out?

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