
Thursday, August 30, 2018

Hiking: Dow Wet Lands

Dow wetlands is located on highway 40 just before Corunna. I use those trails quite often as they are kept cut and clean. Also its really peaceful there.

"This 35 acre DOW Wetlands site includes a memorial forest and is a Carolinian zone habitat playing host to a wide variety of plants and animals.  It consists of five ponds joined with meandering shallow channels.  The walking trail is mainly composed of compacted crushed gravel and many of the DOW Wetland Trails are suitable for wheelchair access.  The Dow Wetlands is situated at the corner of LaSalle Road and Highway 40 in Sarnia, Ontario." (

The dogs love it, I love it, so much peace and beauty.  We hadn't been there is a while, not since the spring. It has been too hot of a summer to hike to far with the dogs. Excited with Lexi in toe (Bossco went to the dog park) we started to hike the trails, as we set out I noticed that the grass on the trail was longer than normal and chalked it up to all the rain and they just hadn't been out to groom it that week. The further we go I start to notice ALL of the off shoot grass trails are over run, and pretty much unnoticeable, so we stick to the main trail. As we keep going the main trail is now "unnoticeable" if I didn't know the trail well other than the park benches with grass up to the seats you would never know it was even a trail. It was horrible!!! I can hike any trail, path or no path but I like to stick to area that are groomed to cut back on tick exposure. This is one of those trails that I love using because it is normally so well maintained, I was so disappointed. We finished the trail with cuts on our legs, lots of bites and itchy like no other.

I am not entirely sure who dropped the ball on this trail grooming, but I do have an email into Lambton trails to see what is going on. Normally I would suggest this trail as a fairly easy one and great for ALL ages and fun too, but at this point I wouldn't take anyone there.

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