
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

DIY Boot Storage Idea

I love boots, I hate how they fall over and get crumpled in the closet. I am not the kind of girl that has a huge shoe collection, I own one pair of shoes and they are runners; however, I am a boot loving girl I only own about 5 pairs though and of those 5 pairs only 1 has any sort of heel. Flat footed boots are sooo comfortable like wearing nothing on your feet at all.

Normally my boots get thrown into the closet and fall over and the kid throw stuff on top of them and they get squashed, then I end up with wrinkly boots which well surprise surprise you can't iron boots (not that I own an iron).

I came cross this idea on Pinterest that is great and it works well. You buy a pool noodle or a few depending on how many boots you have. I got mine from the dollar store. Cut the pool noodle to the height of your boot and then insert it. It's that simple!!!

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