
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Suspended coffees; Another reason to be proud of Sarnia

Another reason to be proud of the community I live in. Awhile ago a post went around on facebook that said this:

This story will warm you better than a coffee in a cold winter day:
"We enter a little coffeehouse with a friend of mine and give our order. While we're approaching our table two people come in and they go to the counter -
'Five coffees, please. Two of them for us and three suspended'
They pay for their order, take the two and leave. I ask my friend:
'What are those 'suspended' coffees ?'
'Wait for it and you will see'
Some more people enter. Two girls ask for one coffee each, pay and go. The next order was for seven coffees and it was made by three lawyers - three for them and four 'suspended'. While I still wonder what's the deal with those 'suspended' coffees I enjoy the sunny weather and the beautiful view towards the square in front of the café. Suddenly a man dressed in shabby clothes who looks like a beggar comes in through the door and kindly asks
'Do you have a suspended coffee ?'
It's simple - people pay in advance for a coffee meant for someone who can not afford a warm beverage. The tradition with the suspended coffees started in Naples, but it has spread all over the world and in some places you can order not only a suspended coffee, but also a sandwich or a whole meal."
A group that I am a member of started to call around to the coffee shops in our town to if they would start doing this. With no so great success in the start of her calling she finally reached a small business called "Thanks A Latte" who said that they were going to start offering the suspended coffees! This is wonderful news and just shows that within in our city even with all the horrible things happening lately the good shines through.
"If you are interested in helping a local business help others Thanks A Latte Coffee on Cameron St is where to go. This past Saturday they started doing suspended items :D"
Here is their facebook page 

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