
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Dog training

This is my rant for the day :). Dog training is extremely important, not just for the dog/puppy but for you as well. Every dog is different and every dog learns differently, learning yourself and how to be confident with your dog but not confrontational is very important.

There are a lot of people that call themselves trainers out there; however, you need to be choicer about the trainer you pick. You need one that is right for you and your dog. Dog training has come along way from the 1990's everything is now positive reinforcement and positive discipline which are both great tools when use properly. Positive reinforcement and positive discipline are very important when working with rescues as they have been through enough. It also creates a positive bond and experience between you and your dog. When training becomes a positive experience it is far more enjoyable to you and dog.

When looking for a trainer you want one that has experience, know what they are doing, are confident and also certified. A good trainer will also be open and honest with you, they will asses your dogs needs as well as yours. They are good at reading body language and very knowledgeable about a wide range of breeds and what the breeds needs are. They will have dogs of their own that they have trained. Also they will require vaccine information for the dog you are enrolling in training. They do not want to risk the spreed of illness through training.

You want training to be a positive experience for both you and your dog.

This is a trainer I fully recommend, she is awesome. I worked with her with Ace, my Akita/Husky. I wouldn't trust anyone else with my personal or foster dogs. Her name is Nicole, she is easy to talk to, open to answering all your questions and helping in whatever way she can. Nicole is about the dogs and knows that a well trained dog and well informed owner make the best pair. She has personal dogs that are very well trained and socialized!
The Pack Way

This site is for Canada only, but it lists all the trainers that are certified and you can search by your location. They also have great information on how to choose a trainer.
Canadian Association of Professional Pet Dog Trainers

When in doubt when looking for a trainer take a look at the Petsmart training courses.

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