
Sunday, September 11, 2011

My first Micheals Cake class

I love that Sarnia now has a Micheals, all we need now is a costco and I will be all set lol. My cake classes are on Tues's for 2 hours. Our first class we had to bring in plain flat cookies, by the looks of thing i was the only one who made mine from scratch and I was also the only one without a buddy, oh well next course I will have my friend Krista along to learn and be my buddy lol. In the first class she taught us a lot of techinque stuff and we did a bit of stars but it was mostly instructional this next class she said that it would be more hands on. I did learn a few new things that I didn't know before which is always nice; however, there was a lot of things I already knew I am guess as the classes progress there will be many things that I will be learning along the way. There is one thing that I was not expecting I thought that the cake kit that you have to buy would be all you need for the entire course, I was wrong, I am glad that I already have most of the tools and do not require to buy to many of the items.
Second class requires us to make a 8" layer cake and 2 different batches of buttercream icing before the class one thin and one medium.
I can not wait until my next class I did have a lot of fun!

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