
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Friendly Giants

I am a supporter of most rescues once I have done my research I do what I can to support their causes. I am an animal lover from the top of my head to the tip of toes that may not seem like much because I am short but you get the picture. Over the year I donate items the Sarnia Shelter needs, I adopt, I only shop at store that do not sell dogs and cats. I donate at every check out to support rescues, some may say they say me coming but I don't feel that way I feel that there wouldn't be a need for these places and these rescues if we as a society whole were far more responsible; however as it turns out those of us that are responsible pet owners and as a person are far and few between. We can not control the actions of others, but we can control our own and do the right thing and being just one person is not an excuse because if everyone said that nothing would get done! Okay now that my rant is over lol that was not the point of this post by the way. About a year ago I heard of this rescue called Friendly Giants I looked into it a bit at the time but not much. At ARTWALK this year I met a lady who fosters dogs with Friendly Giants and I met a wonderful St. Bernard Richard and I talked about adopting it but I decided that I wanted, no needed to do more than just adopt one animal I wanted to foster so I could help many find those forever home they deserve and give them a safe, happy place to wait until the time came for them to go to their forever families. This was not a rushed decision I looked into it, researched it, and thought about it long and hard before I sent in my application to become a foster for these "forgotten" baby's. Our home may not be huge but we have room in our home, yard, and hearts for at least one foster at a time. The process of becoming a foster is not a simple because they want people who are truly interested in it for the long haul, good or bad. It starts with sending in an application that took me two days to fill out, they go over this application and approve it then they call three of your references including your vet if they have all good things to say they set up a home visit to approve the home. This is the part that we are on right now just waiting to get an appointment to have a home a visit which I can't wait for I am very very excited! Once we have our home visit and see if we are approved or not I will blog more about. If my chance we do not get approved at the time I will still 100% support Friendly Giants and see if maybe I can fill a volunteer roll. I can't wait!

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