
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Baby Blankets for Memory Boxes

A high school friend Amanda has started a program to create memory boxes at the hospital for moms who lose a child. These boxes are a very special wonderful idea and I am very honored to be able to make the baby blankets for these boxes. It is a very sad reason for these boxes to have to made, but at the same time its something special for the moms/dads to take home with them. I did not "lose" so to speak my son; however, leaving the hospital without him in my arms was one the hardest things I have had to do, so in a way I understand their grief. The staff at the hospital here in Sarnia when I had my son had no idea how to deal with adoption even the hospital social worker I had to teach her about adoption and to me she was more curious and interested in everything that was going on than really caring about how I was feeling. I am hoping these memory boxes not only help the mothers/fathers but also help bring awareness to Amanda's cause, more understanding, and patients. I know she has said she had wonderful nurses and support at the hospital. I am hoping that all moms/dads who are unfortunate to be in the situation of loss has the support from the staff and everyone around them to slowly wade through their sea of grief.

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