
Sunday, September 11, 2011

First day of school 2011

I started my first day of school, and I am hating every minute of it already. Of course I am going to finish and do my best to get on the deans list again this year, but it doesn't mean I have to like it. On the first day back all I could think about was being at Digital Friends Inc. what was going on their was Keith okay by himself, what about mom and Joe. I know I am not the end all be all but I do a lot around there. I was also thinking about the business course and how I can't wait to start it next year and actually be doing something I am far more interested in. I hate medical terminology I am starting to get and some of it is starting to stick, its a very good thing that I love to learn no matter what I am learning lol. I know everyone is saying why not just move into business and get it over with don't bother finishing this Medical Admin course, well there are a few very good reasons for this: One I always finish what I start; Two: Kristal is still in the program and she is like my best friend and I wouldn't just leave her there; Three: It is my back up plan if things do not go as I have planned I always have something to fall back on; Four: The more tools you have in your tool box the more prepared you are for a larger variety of situations. I have learned a lot of valuable tools and I love that and I am hoping within the rest of this I can add more tools into my tool box beside school years always go by fast so as long as I keep thinking of it as tools for my tool box I should be able to get through it lol. I love school, and learning and everything else even the homework some days lol but I miss the office I am very glad that my schedule allows me to still be there two days a week!

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