
Sunday, August 27, 2017


This year I once again moved my garden this time to a corner of the yard that I don't use for anything and it will be easier to keep the dogs out of.

I planted, green and yellow beans, sweet peppers, tomatoes, zucchini, butternut squash, cucumbers, romaine lettuce, yellow onions, green onions, and celery. On the other side of the yard I planted strawberries, blueberries and raspberries.

My garden didn't do what it was supposed to this year because I had a garden critter who moved in under the shed and ate everything before it could grow, downside of keeping the dogs out of the garden. I did however get 1 yellow bean, 1 cucumber and 2 zucchinis.

Raspberries of course I didn't get any this year but it grew like crazy! The strawberries produced fruit twice this year and I got none because the birds got them. My blueberries of course didn't produce fruit this year but like the raspberries grew like crazy.

The plan for next year is raised garden boxes and I going to plant more fruit bushes along the back fence.

Although I was disappointed with this years production what I did get out of it was awesome!

Do you plant a garden? What do you plant?

Friday, August 25, 2017


Its Friday, it is a beautiful day, my son is in an awesome mood, I hurt everywhere but I am enjoying today and life.

I stayed in bed this morning and snuggled with my son, I got out of bed before he wanted to, I love snuggles, one day he wont want to do it anymore so I am taking as many as he is willing to give right now!

I ate my oatmeal like I do every morning and today it warmed me a little bit more than normal!

I made my to do list and it wasn't two pages long today, only 1 page!

My son "helped" me work out and as I was about to get frustrated with him and the dogs for being in the way I took a breath and just enjoyed them being close to me. One day they wont be in my way, one day I will workout without interruptions and I will miss it all.

We did yoga together and as he attempted to copy my moves I realized just how big he was getting, I remember baby-wearing him when he was 6 weeks old and working out.

As I am trying to bribe him to come walk the dogs with me, I let him "win" and we are at home he is playing with my phone and I am working away on client orders.

Today I am grateful to be alive, to be able to hold my son, feel the sun on my skin, to breath. Yes I hurt everywhere but today I am not going to let it get to me, today I am grateful to just be!

Happy Friday Day All. Stop and take a breath, a real breath one that touches you!

Tuesday, August 22, 2017


If there is anything in this world I suck at, it is budgeting. Not creating it, I am good at writing it all down and planning it all and everything else but then I end up forgetting where I put my book, forget to keep receipts or just forget to track it in general. Plus like most women I am great at spending money on my son.

My budget is pretty simple, I motivate myself by getting a new account book (found at Walmart or staples) or I just rip all the pages out the old one and pretend it is new! Our bills don't really change much month to month but other expenses do and as much as I tell myself months ahead of time I am going to set aside money for you know car stickers and such, I forget and then BAM all of sudden time flies by and here we are needing stickers and tests and everything else for the truck and the SUV.

This is the type of book I like to use. It keeps everything neat and in proper lines.

My set up I get my fancy fine point pens out, pencils and erasers.

At the beginning of each month I set up a page in my book about that months debt owning as well as savings and money that is in the accounts.
This has greatly changed over the years for me as of right we have no behind bills thank goodness!

On the back of that page I set up what bills and other expenses that need to go out that month. This month is HUGE for me this time because of the time of year it is.

We get paid weekly so each week I go in and put down what I paid to who and what is left owning at the end of that week. Plus what I moved to saving IF there is anything left to move to savings.

I don't have a photo yet of my month end but at the end of Sept I will add it and you can see what that looks like.
Its pretty much the same as the beginning of the month page but it shows what is left owing and to who and how much was put away that month for savings.

I have to make it fun for me and new pens, bright lit areas and sharp pencils make it at least a little bit more tolerable. I don't keep receipts anymore I used to and keep daily book records for the home but with having to do that for the business it had just become too much.

Now if I could only remember to actually sit down and do this each week!

Monday, August 21, 2017

Lemon, Garlic, Herb Cod

I have been cooking healthy and I decided to try a new fish recipe instead of my normal go to.

There is a few things I changed because I forgot to buy them at the store and well I just wasn't going all the way back with a cranky 3 year old.

In the future there are a few things I would do differently.


  • 1 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 cup whole wheat panko breadcrumbs (regular panko or plain breadcrumbs will work in a pinch)
  • 1/3 cup full-fat Greek yogurt
  • 3 tablespoons Parmesan cheese, grated
  • 1⁄4 cup fresh parsley, chopped
  • 1/4 cup fresh basil, chopped
  • 2 -3 garlic cloves, grated or finely minced
  • 1 large lemon, juice and zest, divided
  • 3⁄4 teaspoon fine sea salt, more if needed (adjust according to taste)
  • 1/2 teaspoon paprika
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • 4 (8 ounce) Alaskan Cod fillets
Pre heat your oven to 350/400 depending on your oven I do mine at 350 because my oven runs hot.
Line your baking pans with tin foil. Saves huge on clean up and scrubbing.
So you put the first 2 ingredients in a small bowl mix them up well.
In a second bigger bowl add the next 9 ingredients mix them well
Spoon the yogurt mixture onto the fish then pat the crumbs on top.
Stick it in the oven for 15-20mins.
Then eat!

Full recipe and instructions

Here is what I actually did.


  • 1 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 cup whole wheat panko breadcrumbs (regular panko or plain breadcrumbs will work in a pinch)
  • 1/3 cup full-fat Greek yogurt
  • 3 tablespoons Parmesan cheese, grated
  • 3teaspoons of Italian seasoning
  • 1 teaspoon minced garlic
  • 1 large lemon, juice and zest, divided
  • 3⁄4 teaspoon normal salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon paprika
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • 4 (8 ounce) white fish
Pre heat your oven to 350/400 depending on your oven I do mine at 350 because my oven runs hot.
Line your baking pans with tin foil. Saves huge on clean up and scrubbing.
So you put the first 2 ingredients in a small bowl mix them up well.
In a second bigger bowl add the next 9 ingredients mix them well
Spoon the yogurt mixture onto the fish then pat the crumbs on top.
Stick it in the oven for 15-20mins.
Then eat!

What I would change in the future it turns out no matter how many different ways I try Greek yogurt I just don't like it at all I will replace that with normal yogurt.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Cars 3rd birthday

It started out me finding Cars party supplies in London at Fresh Co LAST SEPTEMBER!!!!. I decided right then even if Blaine doesn't like the Cars movies his party will be Cars. You can't say no to supplies for 0.49 each!!! As time went on I kept my eyes open for more Cars themed supplies and well the new Cars hadn't been released yet so there wasn't much. Turns out Toys R Us was ending their sales of party supplies, yeah me! I got pretty much everything for his party under $15.00 of course not including food or pinata.

This years party wasn't like the years before, people who normally show up and should have shown up, but he had an awesome time and loved every minute of it.

I had to make the cupcakes for the Sarnia Humane Society's Snow White Party so Blaine got the short end of the stick and his cupcakes had cars toys on them instead of fondant figures, he loved them anyway.

Just like every year after his party we went to East Side Marios and had the pants scared off him by the wait staff singing Happy Birthday to him.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

My likes

Well to go hand in hand with my dislikes I should write about my likes. There are 10 likes I can list to every dislike I have, there are not many things in this world that I don't like.

1) Music, its how I clear my head, get through a 20 km walk

2) Reading!! This here is my space/time sitting and reading gets me out of my own head, I try to read daily or when I start to over think EVERYTHING.

3) Walking/Hiking again my get out of my own head time! This mixed with music and reading is heaven for me.

4) Animals, these are my life. I would do anything to protect an animal.

5) Playing! having the ability to get down and play games with my son, chase him and just being a kid.

6) My business. There are days when I want to throw in the towel, when I want to call it quits and just give up. Then I get a super cute order come in and it makes it all worth it, the smile on the child's face when they get their outfit or cape!

7) Water. I couldn't imagine living away from it, in summer I spend everyday walking it, sitting at it, just being with it. In the winter its sitting by and watching it.

8) Cheesecake. This here is a treat for me and the ONLY place in town who has it that its almost as good as mine is Coffee Culture. SOOOO GOOD

9) Learning, I think there is always something new to learn and I love it. I try to learn something new as much as possible.

10) Spring/Summer/Early Fall. The sun, the air, the space, the just being with nature.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Random Urban Dictory Word! #1

Urban Dictionary has a button you can click where it will give you a random word and what it means.

The word I got this time was "Pimp's Prayer". This word is not in the English Dictionary.

This word has 2 definitions

A prayer said before striking a trifling bitch or hoe who has stepped out of line.
Let us Pray the Pimp's Prayer. Lord, please pray for the soul of this bitch and guide my pimp hand and make it strong Lord, so that she might learn a hoe's place.

by Fuzzybat23 January 16, 2006

The prayer you say when your ho is acting out.
Pimps Prayer: Lord, please pray for the soul of this bitch and guide my pimp hand and make it strong Oh Lord, so that she may learn a hoes place. 
by luvharrypotter15 August 11, 2011

Princess Party.

This weekend was jammed back with having my sons birthday party as well as doing 150 cupcakes with 150 fondant toppers for the Sarnia Humane Society Annual Princess Party.

They have this party every year as a fundraiser for them. One year it was Glass slipper themed. One year it was Woodland Fairies themed. One year it was Mermaid themed and this year is was dwarf themed.

There are lots of activities and crafts at the event along with a special visitor to meet and greet with all the children. Each year I get the honor of providing all of the cupcakes. I have such a great time coming up with ideas and seeing the smiles from the children. They are one of the only ones who I still any baking for. It takes a lot of out of my shoulder but in the end its worth every moment.

This year I decided to go with Apples, bows, and mining axes on the cupcakes to compliment the theme of the party. They are also rolled in red sanding sugar to make them look pretty! Nothing adds sparkle like sanding sugar.

It is always a successful event for them and I am sure they have a blast putting it on for all the kids!

Wednesday, August 2, 2017


In life we tend to focus on mainly the negative and what we don't like. Food has never been an issue for me as I am not a picky eater so I don't have many dislikes there.

1) Chewing, if I can hear you chew I want to kill you. No I am not joking or over exaggerating the sound of chewing, slurping, teeth hitting each other, sounds you make like ahh or whatever. Drive me up the wall. They literately make me angry.

2) Noise while I am trying to sleep, I know its kind of a play on the last one. If I can hear the tub drip, someones breathing, the fridge running, a ceiling fan off kilter, there is no way I will be falling asleep.

3) Rude waitstaff! I know, I know everyone has a bad day, bad shift whatever but that is in no way a reason to be rude to someone who hasn't done anything to you. I was a waitress for a few years back at the end of high school and not once was I rude to anyone no matter how bad of a day I was having. You take a breath put on a smile and greet the new customer like they are your best friend.

4) Animal Abusers. Everyone who knows me would have known this would be on my list. Anyone who can hurt an animal in anyway shape or form makes me sick. I even bump my boys and I say sorry!

5) Snobs. I say Hi, how are you to everyone I walk by when I am out walking. Most say it back but some look at you like you just killed their brother. Well excuse me for being polite! Just in case you forgot, we do live in Canada and a hi back or a nod wont kill you.

6) Parents! It would appear this generation thinks we need to bubble wrap our children. I "love" the dirty looks at the park while I let my child play without being right in his space. Or the Glares when I let him run in the field without being in grabbing distance. Parents need to take a breath and realize they wont spontaneously combust and that its okay for them to play.

7)Ants!!! I can handle almost any bug except ants, I just can't do it. Even if I spot one ant in the house I have to spray the entire house with home defiance.

8) Pins under the finger nails. OH DEAR GOD this has taught me why in the movies they use bamboo sticks under the finger nails for torture because it hurts like no other.

9) The phrase "Oh your JUST a stay a home mom" Yup totally have tea parties and cookies all day!!! The house cleans itself, the kids raise themselves, the yard works itself, the dogs walk themselves and both of my businesses run themselves....ummm no news flash I work from the moment my feet hit the floor in the morning until I can finally call it a night at like midnight, if I am lucky. I do work its just differently than you do!

10) Running, I don't like to run at all. I do it a few times a week, mixed with walking. So in 2km I will do 1km of walking 1km of running but mix it up. I hate hearing its so good for you, yeah well shut up......

What is on your dislike list?

Whats happening Sarnia Aug.

With summer winding down we want to get as much in as we can. Here are some great local events going on in Aug.

Aug 4th 10:30-11:30 Preschool story time thanks to The Sarnia BookKeeper This is an every Friday event so grab your little one and enjoy a good book 

Aug 4th 6:30pm-10pm Margaritaville Sunset Cruse on the Duc. 

Aug 4th First Friday down town. Lots to see, do and of course support local businesses.

Aug 4th 7pm-9pm Offsite Impact at the Cheeky Monkey 

Aug 4th-6th Sarnia Greek Fest Front Street Parking lot

Aug 4th 6pm-8pm 188 Christina Street Book Signing and Reading $30.00

Aug 4th/5th Liquid Johnnys on Christina will be hosting Fuck Eh Live

Aug 5th 10am-10pm Hour of Devastation Game Day at Future Past Times

Aug 5th 4pm-10pm 140 Christina Street Cynthia Fay & Friends Tunes &Tea

Aug 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th  11-1pm 2.99 Family Favourites at Sarnia Theater. Visit to see all the upcoming movie listings!

Aug 5th Snow White Princess party in support of the Sarnia Human Society  

Aug 5th 5:15pm-9pm Yoga and Beer at Inner Dawn Yoga 

Aug 5th 7pm-11pm  Nazareth Live at The Old Campbell Street Station

Aug 5th 7pm-10pm Rumblefish Duc Cruse 

Aug 5th 6pm-10pm Outdoor Family Movie night. Sarnia Golf and curling club. 

Aug 5th 7pm Norm Perry Park. Come out and see our local Imperials play some football in the playoffs

Aug 5th 8pm Kitano Japanese restaurant on Exmouth street will be hosting Jazz Guitatist Assaf Live

Aug 5th 10pm-2am Fun Fact Sarnia at The Pub on Christina Street

Aug 6th and 7th 11am-6pm The annual blueberry social hosted at the Sombra Museum.  

Aug 6th 9pm-2am Ladies night  At Triple Play 
 Aug 7th -17th This one is a 10 day long event. It is in Forest  8pm-10pm Kineto Theater, free movies.

Aug 8th 6pm-9pm Wine and Glass painting at zZas

Aug 9th 6pm-9pm Free Clothing Swap 181 Christina Street North

Aug 9th 7pm-9pm Paint your own pet at ups and downs on front street

Aug 10th and 11th 10am-10pm Its Miracle Treat day at Dairy Queen!

Aug 10th 11:30am-2pm Marcotte's Annual Customer Appreciation BBQ  At Marcottes Disposal 

Aug 10th 4pm-6pm Canada 150 BBQ at Canatara Park 

Aug 10th 6pm-9pm at theStory on Christina Street The Do's and Don'ts of Gender Identity

Aug 10th 8pm Magic at MIXX Lounge

Aug 11th-16th Support a local bunny rescue with their online auction.

Sarnia Human Society 

Aug 14th 7pm-10pm Lazer Llyod in Sarnia 142 Lochiel Street  

Aug 17th 7pm-9pm Conservative Veterans Affairs Critic comes to talk about Veteran Affairs
The royal Canadian Legion on Front Street

Aug 17th 8pm-9:30pm Paranormal Seminar at the Mystic Mind on Front Street

Aug 18th 4:45pm-8pm Brights Grove golf Club will be holding the Ladies FUN Charity Golf Tournament
Aug 19th/20th 9am-4pm Artzscape  Centennial Park

Aug 19th 4pm-7pm Lambton Centre Pork and Beef BBQ 6602 LakeShore Rd. $20.00

Aug 19th 9pm Soul Brother Stef will be preforming at refined fool  

Aug 20th 1:30pm-4:45pm Can Am Jazz at the Guildwood Inn 

Aug 23rd 7pm Paint for Cystic Fibrosis Republik eatery and lounge   

Aug 23rd 6pm-9pm Creative Craft Work Shop. At Habitat for Humanity on London Line. 

Aug 23rd 7pm-9pm Made collective on Christina street will be hold a Plant Hanger Macrame Workshop

Aug 23rd 7pm-9pm Glow in the Dark Paint Party being help at ups and downs on Front Street

Aug 25th 7pm Double Experience @ Paddys

Aug 26th 1pm-2pm Get Back To School Ready! at Bluewater Nutrition 

Aug 26th 3pm -4:30pm The Little Mermaid will be at SCITS  

Aug 26th 8pm-10:30pm Comedy Night Featuring Jeff Leeson and friends. Saw mill creek golf club Lakeshore Road

Aug 26th 9pm-1am at The Pub on Christina Street Marinol Nation Hell Ditch release party 

Aug 30th 6pm Quality Inn Sarnia Bridal Show