
Friday, August 25, 2017


Its Friday, it is a beautiful day, my son is in an awesome mood, I hurt everywhere but I am enjoying today and life.

I stayed in bed this morning and snuggled with my son, I got out of bed before he wanted to, I love snuggles, one day he wont want to do it anymore so I am taking as many as he is willing to give right now!

I ate my oatmeal like I do every morning and today it warmed me a little bit more than normal!

I made my to do list and it wasn't two pages long today, only 1 page!

My son "helped" me work out and as I was about to get frustrated with him and the dogs for being in the way I took a breath and just enjoyed them being close to me. One day they wont be in my way, one day I will workout without interruptions and I will miss it all.

We did yoga together and as he attempted to copy my moves I realized just how big he was getting, I remember baby-wearing him when he was 6 weeks old and working out.

As I am trying to bribe him to come walk the dogs with me, I let him "win" and we are at home he is playing with my phone and I am working away on client orders.

Today I am grateful to be alive, to be able to hold my son, feel the sun on my skin, to breath. Yes I hurt everywhere but today I am not going to let it get to me, today I am grateful to just be!

Happy Friday Day All. Stop and take a breath, a real breath one that touches you!

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