
Sunday, August 27, 2017


This year I once again moved my garden this time to a corner of the yard that I don't use for anything and it will be easier to keep the dogs out of.

I planted, green and yellow beans, sweet peppers, tomatoes, zucchini, butternut squash, cucumbers, romaine lettuce, yellow onions, green onions, and celery. On the other side of the yard I planted strawberries, blueberries and raspberries.

My garden didn't do what it was supposed to this year because I had a garden critter who moved in under the shed and ate everything before it could grow, downside of keeping the dogs out of the garden. I did however get 1 yellow bean, 1 cucumber and 2 zucchinis.

Raspberries of course I didn't get any this year but it grew like crazy! The strawberries produced fruit twice this year and I got none because the birds got them. My blueberries of course didn't produce fruit this year but like the raspberries grew like crazy.

The plan for next year is raised garden boxes and I going to plant more fruit bushes along the back fence.

Although I was disappointed with this years production what I did get out of it was awesome!

Do you plant a garden? What do you plant?

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