
Sunday, August 13, 2017

My likes

Well to go hand in hand with my dislikes I should write about my likes. There are 10 likes I can list to every dislike I have, there are not many things in this world that I don't like.

1) Music, its how I clear my head, get through a 20 km walk

2) Reading!! This here is my space/time sitting and reading gets me out of my own head, I try to read daily or when I start to over think EVERYTHING.

3) Walking/Hiking again my get out of my own head time! This mixed with music and reading is heaven for me.

4) Animals, these are my life. I would do anything to protect an animal.

5) Playing! having the ability to get down and play games with my son, chase him and just being a kid.

6) My business. There are days when I want to throw in the towel, when I want to call it quits and just give up. Then I get a super cute order come in and it makes it all worth it, the smile on the child's face when they get their outfit or cape!

7) Water. I couldn't imagine living away from it, in summer I spend everyday walking it, sitting at it, just being with it. In the winter its sitting by and watching it.

8) Cheesecake. This here is a treat for me and the ONLY place in town who has it that its almost as good as mine is Coffee Culture. SOOOO GOOD

9) Learning, I think there is always something new to learn and I love it. I try to learn something new as much as possible.

10) Spring/Summer/Early Fall. The sun, the air, the space, the just being with nature.

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