
Wednesday, August 2, 2017


In life we tend to focus on mainly the negative and what we don't like. Food has never been an issue for me as I am not a picky eater so I don't have many dislikes there.

1) Chewing, if I can hear you chew I want to kill you. No I am not joking or over exaggerating the sound of chewing, slurping, teeth hitting each other, sounds you make like ahh or whatever. Drive me up the wall. They literately make me angry.

2) Noise while I am trying to sleep, I know its kind of a play on the last one. If I can hear the tub drip, someones breathing, the fridge running, a ceiling fan off kilter, there is no way I will be falling asleep.

3) Rude waitstaff! I know, I know everyone has a bad day, bad shift whatever but that is in no way a reason to be rude to someone who hasn't done anything to you. I was a waitress for a few years back at the end of high school and not once was I rude to anyone no matter how bad of a day I was having. You take a breath put on a smile and greet the new customer like they are your best friend.

4) Animal Abusers. Everyone who knows me would have known this would be on my list. Anyone who can hurt an animal in anyway shape or form makes me sick. I even bump my boys and I say sorry!

5) Snobs. I say Hi, how are you to everyone I walk by when I am out walking. Most say it back but some look at you like you just killed their brother. Well excuse me for being polite! Just in case you forgot, we do live in Canada and a hi back or a nod wont kill you.

6) Parents! It would appear this generation thinks we need to bubble wrap our children. I "love" the dirty looks at the park while I let my child play without being right in his space. Or the Glares when I let him run in the field without being in grabbing distance. Parents need to take a breath and realize they wont spontaneously combust and that its okay for them to play.

7)Ants!!! I can handle almost any bug except ants, I just can't do it. Even if I spot one ant in the house I have to spray the entire house with home defiance.

8) Pins under the finger nails. OH DEAR GOD this has taught me why in the movies they use bamboo sticks under the finger nails for torture because it hurts like no other.

9) The phrase "Oh your JUST a stay a home mom" Yup totally have tea parties and cookies all day!!! The house cleans itself, the kids raise themselves, the yard works itself, the dogs walk themselves and both of my businesses run themselves....ummm no news flash I work from the moment my feet hit the floor in the morning until I can finally call it a night at like midnight, if I am lucky. I do work its just differently than you do!

10) Running, I don't like to run at all. I do it a few times a week, mixed with walking. So in 2km I will do 1km of walking 1km of running but mix it up. I hate hearing its so good for you, yeah well shut up......

What is on your dislike list?

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