
Tuesday, January 21, 2020


I try really really hard to be a positive parent. I believe that having a little girl repeat every morning with me I am smart, I am a kind person and I am going to have a GREAT day, helps her have a good day at school instead of a rough one and ending up in the principals office.

I think that reminding myself to take a breath and tell myself I got this, helps me get through so many situations including parenting ones.

Before play group I always say to my son " we are kind, we are going to treat other children kindly and we are going to use our words" makes for a more successful playgroup for homeschool trip.

Positivity effects all aspects of our lives and I am a strong believer that the thought comes first and feeling comes second. My mother taught me this quote and I HATED because she would always use when I was just trying to vent to her or in a nasty way. I turned that phrase into something different for me. I turned it into a way to use it positively. I am sure in some sort of weird way that my mother was trying to explain it this way, but the thing is my mom isn't so good at talking to me about things.

If you can't tell already my #parentingquotes this month is Thoughts come first feelings come second.

Our outlook on life can not only effect us, our day, our whole lives but it also effects our children and the way they are going to walk through life.

If we give the tools now to help them through any situation that they come into they will be able to negate life like a pro.  Which sets me up for next months #parentingquotes

Friday, January 17, 2020

Homeschool: Grateful

Each day is different, some days we rock it and some days we struggle but homeschooling is what is best for my son and I know that.

As I watch a children struggle in school because the school can't "handle" them, as I watch and am helpless to help, I cry. I cry because I know for that child school is too much, I know for that child that the school system is just going to fail them because they do not have the ability to work with them or to help them in the way they need it. I watch as one parent feels helpless to do anything and the other is only mad because they are called to the school everyday.

For some children school isn't right for them. Our school system is build to teach in one way, that children are to fall in line or just get pushed forward and labeled the "bad" kid.

From the time Blaine was very little I knew something wasn't right with him. Just before 2 everything changed for him it was weird. He had 100's of words by the time he was 18 months, the healthy babies nurse was shocked that he could use 2-3 word sentences at a year and a half. He had multi-syllable words before he was a year. He walked early, climbed early, did EVERYTHING early.

 I was so proud of him, but I also noticed things bothered him and he did odd things like he freaked out when you put him in different clothes, played in ways that were OCD like, he didn't like to be cuddled other than in the baby wearing snuggly. He loved all food, hated to be held by any one but me we just chalked it up to mommys boy and left it at that, he was also potty training at 1.5 years because he wanted to.

Then things changed. Everyone chalked it up to all his ear infections and that they caused his speech sounds to change, his eating etc. But I knew in my gut something wasn't right. I talked to his pediatric specialist he said he was fine and normal, but I knew. I knew the signs. I knew my little boy.

I tried to talk to his dad but he didn't want to hear it, didn't want to believe it. We had decided before  he was born that we were going to homeschool because we both knew our school system was horrible.

I knew the signs and signed him up for pathways and st.clair child and youth right away. I talked to the healthy babies nurse and staff at the play group we always attended. We had appointments and meetings and they all saw it but his doctor refused to see it. They all asked what I was going to do for school I said well we planned on homeschooling. They said good because our system is not equipped to handle children like him that is would regress. I surely didn't want that!

At 29 months I put him in preschool 2 days a week and I watched him fall apart, I watch the preschool tell him he just can't handle it. I watched him hide under his blanket in corner because he couldn't handle anymore. I also knew he said he loved it, that he loved his friends, but it wasn't good for him. I let him stay until just before his 4th birthday he was with my business partners daughter there.

I knew there was no way he was going to be able to handle a classroom of 30 other kids if he couldn't handle one that had 15.

We worked so hard each day and I didn't want him to regress, he was so smart. Before he turned 4 he could tell you his first and last name, my first and last name, his dads friend and last name, my phone number, our address, city, province, what planet we lived on, the biggest star in the sky, he could count to 20 and do simple math.

Today he is 5.5 he is smart, uses his words instead of reactions most of time and is learning that its okay to ask for his head phones when its too noisy, to hid under his blanket when things are too much and that its okay to take a break. He tried to be friends with everyone, although that includes children who are mean to him.

He is smart, loves math, doing great with learning how to read, loves video games and youtube videos. He loves to play and run and the dogs until they bark lol.

I grateful I followed my gut and my heart, I am grateful that my child has the chance to learn in safe place and catered to the way he learns. I am grateful for a little boy so full of life!

What are you grateful for? 

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

My Favourite Place

I have a couple of favourite places depending on the season that we are in.

In late spring early summer, a trial alone and quiet listening to nature. I love the calm that enters your soul when you are in nature with nothing else but you and it.

Winter, which it is right now, I am not a fan of the cold is hard on my body with the medical issues I have. So my favourite place is in my car alone watching the water, reading a book and drinking a tea.
The quiet, the motions of the water, the just being still and letting your soul relax and take in the beauty.

My alone time is crucial to my mental health because I need it to recharge, to refresh to be able to keep going. I feed off others feelings and help so many that without my alone time I would go crazy.
It allows me to reset the chaos that I seem to absorb from everyone around me.

I give and give and give and focus on everyone and everything around me that my favourite places are where I refill my bucket so I can keep on giving and helping.

Where is your favourite place?

Friday, January 10, 2020


I found this quote just before Christmas and it spoke to me.

It is so true, I am a member of a local womens group called breath, they do lunches, dinners, activities, trips, book club, etc and it is all women. This group helps support each other and gives kind words. Your life choices, what you do for a living or your standing financially doesn't matter to any of then, what matters is that we can support each other, we can build each up!

For the first time since I opened the business I made myself a shirt, this shirt has the quote that spoke to me just before Christmas on it.


I don't think many truer words have ever been spoken.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Homeschool: Term 2 Week 2 Sk

We are working in the workbook "educational workbook numbers K" I likely got this book from one of the dollarstores. We are reading a different book each day this time so it will be list under the daily activities.

We are also working on printing for this I took a highlighter and wrote out on each page the letters. I will add a photo of what I am talking about so it is easier to understand.

I could not for the life of me get Homer to work  so we are going to try to get it to work this week.

Each day this week we will be doing a game. Such as Jenga or Trouble.

Day 1:

Sight word "to" flash cards, The Penguin Chick guided science readers by scholastic, workbook, homer, walk, printing, Jenga

Day 2:

Sight word "to" work sheet, What is cold? guided science readers by scholastic, workbook, ABC mouse, walk, play group, printing, Trouble

Day 3:

Sight word matching game, Can you do this? by scholastic, workbook, Homer, walk, library, printing, Porcupine Pop

Day 4:

Sight word "to" flash cards, I am bigger by scholastic, workbook, ABC Mouse, walk, printing, Guess who

Day 5:

Sight word "to" worksheet, What am i? by scholastic, workbook, Home, walk, printing, Operation

Why add games?  Did you know along with learning how to take turns children also learn a multitude of other skills from playing board games?

Children learn through doing, so do most people, they also learn through play.

Things learnt from board games:

Critical thinking
Fine motor skills
Gross motor skills (depending on the game)
Taking turns
Math (Counting)

And sooo much more depending on the games you are playing. Plus they are so much fun they don't even realize they are learning.

Monday, January 6, 2020

30 day challenge

So far I am rocking it!

Working out everyday and going yoga every day. Not so much on the walking every day but every other day.

Things have been crazy here and its hard to get into a routine when things are always changing and there is nothing I can do about it :(

Anyway I am loving this 30 day challenge and I found it on Pinterest here

What did you pick for your 30 day challenge?

Friday, January 3, 2020

Homeschool:Kindergarten term 2 week 1

No I have no idea what week we are on now lol but its a new year so we will just go with it.

Sarnia is unique for homeschoolers. They beg for get togethers, field trips, etc. We put all the work into planning it, getting everything ready then NO ONE shows up. Its rather annoying to say the least

Anyway rant done.

This "term" we are focusing on something a little different. Something a little more "fun" then what our day to day homeschool life is.

We are going to call this term 2 week 1
We are working in the workbook "educational workbook numbers K" I likely got this book from one of the dollarstores. We are reading a different book each day this time so it will be list under the daily activities.

We are also working on printing for this I took a highlighter and wrote out on each page the letters. I will add a photo of what I am talking about so it is easier to understand.

Each day this week we will be doing a lego build from either a set he got for Christmas or from pinterest there are millions of ideas on there for building with lego.

We are also trying out a new learning program called HOMER.

Day 1

Sight word "it" flash cards, reading book "It is winter!" a guided science readers by scholastics, workbook, ABC mouse, walk, printing book, lego set build.

Day 2

Sight word "it" work sheet, reading book "Polar Bears Are Wild" a guided science readers by scholastics, workbook, Homer, Play group, printing book, lego set build.

Day 3

Sight word "it" flash cards, reading book "Spring on the farm" guided science readers by scholastic, work book, ABC mouse, bouncey play group, printing book, lego building.

Day 4

Sight word "it" work sheet, reading book "I Spy" by scholastic, work book, Homer, walk, printing book, lego building

Day 5

Sight word "it" flash cards, reading book "Spots and Stripes" Just right leveled readers from scholastic, ABC mouse, libary, printing book, lego building

Homeschool doesn't have to be hard or stressful. Make it fun and learning will be life long.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Goodbye 2019 Hello 2020

Most people are excited and create resolutions and other great things that last a day, a week, a month. Sadly many can not keep to these plans because they goals they set have no measurable increments, they want it all and they want it now. Goals don't work like this!

You need parts along the way of getting to these goals that are obtainable and measurable. Once you hit these points along the way you need to celebrate all your hard work. Now this practice can be used for weight loss, selfhelp, selfcare, business and so much more!

How you start is have your major goal at the bottom or top of page whichever you would rather. Then put in steps. Let me use weight loss as an easy example!

50lbs (buy a new dress that makes you feel great!)

Lost 40lbs

Lost 30lbs

Lost 20lbs (another award for reaching this point)

Lost 10lbs (buy a new mug or do something you enjoy that is non-food related)

That was easy right? How here comes the harder part! Within those measurable points add in how you are going to get there and don't be all I gave up all crap food because you and I both know not a soul can give up everything cold turkey. Take it one step at a time.

-Keep off the pop
-Cooking at home 6 days a week
-Walking 60mins a day
-Doing some yoga
-Fitness class can be fun
-Eating more veggies than sweets
-Join a local fitness group

Lost 40lbs
-Keep off the pop
-Cooking at home 6 days a week
-Walking 60mins a day
-Doing some yoga
-Enjoying my fitness classes
-Eating more veggies than sweets

Lost 30lbs
-Keep off the pop
-Cooking at home 6 days a week
-Walking 60mins a day
-Doing some yoga
-Joined a fitness class with a friend

Lost 20lbs
-Keet off the pop
-Cook at home 6 days a week
-Increase walk to 60mins a day
-Add some yoga

Lost 10lbs
-Gave up all pop/soda
-Go for a 30min walk every day

Look now you have your goal, your measurable stops along the way and your steps to get to those stops!

Don't make a ton of goals. Make 1 or 2 each year and leave it at that. Your not going to lose weight, quit smoking, earn a raise, grow your business or even organize your house if you have too many other goals clouding the way.

One day at a time, One step at a time and breath.

You don't need to race to the finish line, you don't need to stress out or get yourself all in a tizzy. What you need to do is breath. You got this.

My goal is not weight loss this year. I have 1 business goal, 1 fitness goal and 1 house goal

The business goal is likely the easiest and fastest one I will be able to complete, but it will be the most expensive to do as it is changing some business equipment.

Goal: Sublimation rock star

Practice sublimation

Buy sublimation press kit

Buy ink conversation kit

Buy sublimation printer

That is easy but it is going to cost $1000.00 and take time to learn the new skill.

My fitness goal is simple. I want to complete 1 30 day challenge every 30 days. I want to build up my stamina. There is nothing I planing for this or going to have set up until I have my calendar all done up for the new year with each days work out on it.

House goal! This is going to not only take time, money and patience it is likely going to take me more than a year to complete. So I am starting one room at a time once I finish that room I will be doing another and so on.

Finish bedroom #1

Install new curtains

Paint room

Tape room

Install ceiling fan

Fix trim

Buy new curtains

Buy paint and ceiling fan

Baby steps! You got this! No more over whelming, no more going in without a clear plan of action, no more failure!