
Friday, January 17, 2020

Homeschool: Grateful

Each day is different, some days we rock it and some days we struggle but homeschooling is what is best for my son and I know that.

As I watch a children struggle in school because the school can't "handle" them, as I watch and am helpless to help, I cry. I cry because I know for that child school is too much, I know for that child that the school system is just going to fail them because they do not have the ability to work with them or to help them in the way they need it. I watch as one parent feels helpless to do anything and the other is only mad because they are called to the school everyday.

For some children school isn't right for them. Our school system is build to teach in one way, that children are to fall in line or just get pushed forward and labeled the "bad" kid.

From the time Blaine was very little I knew something wasn't right with him. Just before 2 everything changed for him it was weird. He had 100's of words by the time he was 18 months, the healthy babies nurse was shocked that he could use 2-3 word sentences at a year and a half. He had multi-syllable words before he was a year. He walked early, climbed early, did EVERYTHING early.

 I was so proud of him, but I also noticed things bothered him and he did odd things like he freaked out when you put him in different clothes, played in ways that were OCD like, he didn't like to be cuddled other than in the baby wearing snuggly. He loved all food, hated to be held by any one but me we just chalked it up to mommys boy and left it at that, he was also potty training at 1.5 years because he wanted to.

Then things changed. Everyone chalked it up to all his ear infections and that they caused his speech sounds to change, his eating etc. But I knew in my gut something wasn't right. I talked to his pediatric specialist he said he was fine and normal, but I knew. I knew the signs. I knew my little boy.

I tried to talk to his dad but he didn't want to hear it, didn't want to believe it. We had decided before  he was born that we were going to homeschool because we both knew our school system was horrible.

I knew the signs and signed him up for pathways and st.clair child and youth right away. I talked to the healthy babies nurse and staff at the play group we always attended. We had appointments and meetings and they all saw it but his doctor refused to see it. They all asked what I was going to do for school I said well we planned on homeschooling. They said good because our system is not equipped to handle children like him that is would regress. I surely didn't want that!

At 29 months I put him in preschool 2 days a week and I watched him fall apart, I watch the preschool tell him he just can't handle it. I watched him hide under his blanket in corner because he couldn't handle anymore. I also knew he said he loved it, that he loved his friends, but it wasn't good for him. I let him stay until just before his 4th birthday he was with my business partners daughter there.

I knew there was no way he was going to be able to handle a classroom of 30 other kids if he couldn't handle one that had 15.

We worked so hard each day and I didn't want him to regress, he was so smart. Before he turned 4 he could tell you his first and last name, my first and last name, his dads friend and last name, my phone number, our address, city, province, what planet we lived on, the biggest star in the sky, he could count to 20 and do simple math.

Today he is 5.5 he is smart, uses his words instead of reactions most of time and is learning that its okay to ask for his head phones when its too noisy, to hid under his blanket when things are too much and that its okay to take a break. He tried to be friends with everyone, although that includes children who are mean to him.

He is smart, loves math, doing great with learning how to read, loves video games and youtube videos. He loves to play and run and the dogs until they bark lol.

I grateful I followed my gut and my heart, I am grateful that my child has the chance to learn in safe place and catered to the way he learns. I am grateful for a little boy so full of life!

What are you grateful for? 

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