
Wednesday, January 15, 2020

My Favourite Place

I have a couple of favourite places depending on the season that we are in.

In late spring early summer, a trial alone and quiet listening to nature. I love the calm that enters your soul when you are in nature with nothing else but you and it.

Winter, which it is right now, I am not a fan of the cold is hard on my body with the medical issues I have. So my favourite place is in my car alone watching the water, reading a book and drinking a tea.
The quiet, the motions of the water, the just being still and letting your soul relax and take in the beauty.

My alone time is crucial to my mental health because I need it to recharge, to refresh to be able to keep going. I feed off others feelings and help so many that without my alone time I would go crazy.
It allows me to reset the chaos that I seem to absorb from everyone around me.

I give and give and give and focus on everyone and everything around me that my favourite places are where I refill my bucket so I can keep on giving and helping.

Where is your favourite place?

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