
Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Two things I am grateful today!

As long weekends tend to do this one is going by super fast. I actually took time this weekend to relax and enjoy the weather, the outdoors and just being.

Today ended as fast as it started. I got to have breakfast at my favourite breakfast place and I got to go fishing.

I went to a spot I have never been before, today was perfect weather. Too hot for this time of the year but the wind which was crazy strong felt amazing. I got to lay on a rock and listen to water, with the eyes closed and feel the wind upon my body along with the heat of the sun.

I got to just be, no sounds other than the water and wind. Just quiet, warm, peaceful and perfect.

It was the most refreshing, relaxing and soul healing moments I have had in a long time.

So today I am grateful for the weather and for living in such a place where I can have peaceful moments like that.

What things happened today that you are grateful for?

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