
Thursday, May 30, 2019

Discovery Western, A homeschool trip!

Western puts on a program for us each year for different ages groups.

This was the first year we were able to attend because of Blaines age. It was great. We missed the first day but we went for the other two days. The first day we went we learned about computer programming. Someone of the information I felt was too old for the age group they working with but they added in a magic school video on computer programing from the early 90s and that was neat. We made circuits that had a battery on one end, a button in the middle and a light on the other end. It was fun. Then mine and Sarah's son made motorcycles "powered" by these circuits. Oh the imagination!!!

In the afternoon we learned about colour coding and using ozobots that are programed by colours on the paper and created our own mazes for them the kids had a blast.

The third day (Our second day) we only stayed until noon because I had to do a couple of stops on the way home for the shop. But we learned how to program lego robots and guide them through tape mazes, we also did relay races with them and built with legos. The kids had a blast and once they had enough robots out everything ran smoothly.

However the third day we were in a tiny room with wheeled chairs, do you know what happens when you put 20 4-8 years old in a room with wheeled chairs? Unhappy instructors thats what happens.

We really enjoyed it, some of the parents weren't happy with the programming this year and some have no idea what it takes for Sarah to put it all together for the different age groups and make it happen. To me I am grateful for an amazing couple of days where my son had a blast and learned a few new things.

With the way things went, sadly there might not be a 4-8 years age group next year which is disappointing but I fully see where she is coming from! 

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