
Tuesday, May 28, 2019


Everyone dreams about hitting it big and rarely does it happen.

This weeks winning lotto max is at 22 Million that is a huge number and even after taxes it works out to be about 19 Million.

I get one ticket each week, it is just a quick pick nothing special, I know a lot of people swear by picking their own numbers and that it is the only way to play.

If I were to win 19 million, what would I do? Well that is a pretty easy answer for me. I would put 9.5 million into savings.

I would give
$500,000.00 to my sister
$500,000.00 to my mother
$500,000.00 to my grandmother
$500,000.00 to my dad

$1M would be put into a trust fund for Blaine

I would give
$100,000.00 to Bullies in need
$100,000.00 to Heavens wild life
$100,000.00 to Pathways
$200,000.00 to 2 other local charities

I would pay off the house and buy a new SUV that doesn't break down every other day.

I would buy a couple of rental properties in town.

I would build the indoor play place that Sarnia so badly needs.

I would buy a house in the country so I had the room to foster more animals in need!

From my count that leaves 2.5M

With that I would take Blaine and travel all of Canada and few places around the world I have always wanted to see and get my hair done once a year.

Remember I have 9.5M in the bank which I hope I can live off the interest so that one day my child and grandchildren can pay for schooling in whatever they want to be.

Other  than my hair I don't think any of the things I would do with my winnings is too out there. There is nothing that I really really want in this life other than to help others and have security within my own fiances. 
I can't think of anything better than seeing the smile on the faces of those I could help!!!!

What would you do? Would you go crazy and wild? Would you save? Would you share?

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