
Monday, May 27, 2019

Do you greet strangers?

It might be just a Canadian thing or it might be just a me thing. Every person or animal I walk by I either say hello or at least nod. If they have a dog and I am not in a hurry I will ask if I may pet it.

I feel if I walk by someone it is rude not to say hi or nod, but here everywhere we go everyone says hi as they walk by.

Even those people that I walk by and know from my past, which I am not a huge fan of I will still smile and say hi.

Always believing that you never know who needs that smile and simple hello as you pass by is what motivates me to do it. I guess you never know what someone else is going through and a simple gesture of kindness can go along way to making their day or week.

When I am in a mood and someone smiles and says hi, I can't help but smile back and it's almost like a mood changer in that moment. I get out of own head and pulled back to reality.

Even when we visit big cities I still do it, and most of them do it back or even are the first to do it. Cashiers I always ask how they are doing and wish them a good day.

Too many people in this world are grumpy with each other, the least I can do is smile and say hi instead of acting like the entire weight of the world is resting solely on my shoulders.

Do you say smile and say when you walk by people? Do you say it back when it is said to you? Do you think its a Canadian thing or is all around the world like that?

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