
Monday, March 12, 2018

Journey into home schooling

As I watch a million excited/sad posts on the mom groups on Facebook and from my friends who have children Blaine's age about them being registered for school, its a mix of emotions for them from excited to “have a break” to sad “their babies are growing up”. I decided when Blaine was born that I would home school him for a number of reasons including our school system is very messed up and has been for years, even since the beginning according to some. The amount of high school suicides due to bullying in schools is extremely high in our city, it seems the school and support systems has broken down.

Everyone is quick to blame just the teachers but it doesn't rest solely upon their shoulders, it is in the hand of everyone as a whole. The parents who believe their children can do no wrong, the teachers who have given up because the kids just wont listen, the changes in curriculum which makes no sense to anyone, even collage and university teachers wont teach it. It seems somewhere along the line that communication has broken down or maybe it was never there to begin with.

I was going to say we have taken the power from the schools, teachers and parents but we haven't. What has gone away is the support system. We have become so obsessed with how we appear on the outside, how strong we are to be able to do everything ourselves. We have lost our village, well not lost it so much as we have shut our village out because it has become how much better each of us is instead of being what the children need.

As school age approaches those who have opinions that I shouldn't home school have gotten louder. Those opinions usually start and end with they are concerned for the social aspect. I think the social thing is really funny for a couple of reasons. With sports, activities, field trips, co-ops and so many other things that the home schooling group does socialization should be the least of most peoples worries maybe focus on the social skills of the children who are bullies.

I had many doubts and after listening to those who criticized me and my decision to home school the doubts got worse. I started to question if I could really do it, if I was capable of teaching my son everything he needs to know for life and learning. Thankfully the home school group was hosting an information night pretty much in the same week that “everyone” was coming down very hard on my choices. That night with women and men who have been home schooling for years, some have teenagers and some have ones who have already entered collage and university, I listened to what they are teaching in schools (I already knew but hearing it from others helps reassure you), after being asked if I taught my son his colours, numbers, how to count, his ABC's, how to potty, walk, eat, talk, etc when I responded with “of course” she responded with then you already are his teacher.

There are some moment where I still doubt myself and my abilities but I know deep down we can do this and it is what is best for him. If I ever get stuck there are many services to help and always someone in the homeschooling world who has already been there and done that.

So here we go!!!

Do you home-school? Where you home-schooled?

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