
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Canning: Bread and Butter Pickles

Canning seems to come naturally to me as both my grandmothers canned. My grandmother who is no longer with us (She pretty much raised me, I spent most of my life living with her) taught me how to can, she made the best pickle beets!

These were super easy to make, now I forgot to add the onions but that is okay I am sure they will taste just as good once they are ready to be eaten!

Once again I used the awesome Pick your own website! I am going to post the ingredients, but you will need to follow this link for the instructions and lots of pictures!

  • 6 lbs of 4- to 5-inch pickling cucumbers
  • 8 cups thinly sliced onions (about 3 pounds)
  • 2 tbsp mustard seed
  • 1-1/2 tbsp celery seed
  • 1 tbsp ground turmeric
  • 1 cup pickling lime (optional- for use in variation below for making firmer pickles)
  • 1/2 cup canning or pickling salt (most large grocery stores sell this)  See this page for pickling supplies, equipment, books, crocks and additives. Note: the salt is drained and rinsed off, so the final products won't have nearly this much salt in it!
  • 4 cups vinegar (5 percent) (5%, apple cider vinegar works well.  Store brand is about $1.25 for a 64 oz bottle.)
  • 4 and 1/2 cups sugar (if you are diabetic, use Stevia (or if you prefer, Splenda), or you can omit sugar altogether)
  • water (for rinsing and washing)

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