
Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Annie Adopted

Miss. Annie, one foster baby that will always be in my thoughts and in my heart. Something about this sweet girl touched many people both across the water and here at home. Annie as you, my readers know, came to us in horrible condition both mentally and physically, in July 2012. She was found roaming the cemetery in Wallaceburg.

When she came in she was thought to be pregnant, when I got the news I knew she couldn't spend her pregnancy in the shelter and her pups didn't deserve to be born in a shelter. Most pups that are born in a shelter die. They either die from disease that is passed on to them or their mother refuses to nurse because of kennel stress or depression. I went to the shelter right away, picked her up and took her to my vets. My vet did an ultra sound to check and see if there were pups. Turned out none!!! Yes I was extremely excited about this because we don't want anymore pups brought into this world when there are so many dogs and puppies dieing in shelters everyday.

Susan asked me if I wanted to bring Annie back to the shelter as she was not pregnant. Right away I said no, Annie needed help and as much as they try at the shelter they wouldn't have the time to work with her one on one.

Over the year that she was in care Annie began to trust, show love, and be able to be a dog. Annie grew by leaps and bounds, she had turned into the most lovable foster dog I have ever had. The only problem she needed to find her forever home. Over the year she had very little to no interest in her. One man wanted to use her as a hunt dog, I could just picture how that would have gone. Gun shot either Annie would have taken off never to be seen again or crawled up his leg and peed on him. It just wasn't the right fit.

One of the hardest decision of my life was made she needed to go to the shelter for exposure. I am not going to go into details as I already blogged about Annie and The Shelter. After what seemed like a life time Annie was finally adopted. The wonderful group of ladies that I have the honor to work with help create a sharing spree on Facebook. By the next afternoon she had 3 approved adopters and was on her way to her trial home.

After just three days in her trial home they decided to adopt her. Annie is now in her well deserved forever home. I am hoping that they will send a picture or two so I can add it my blog. Until then I am adding the picture of Keira and her.

Keira misses her greatly and says that we will never have a foster that she will love as much as she did Annie!!

Adopt don't shop! Wallaceburg Animal Shelter

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