
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

DIY: Blackhead Remover

I found this on pintrest for getting rid of blackhead. Its very simple to make and you can do it with things you have on hand.

What you need:

1- tablespoon unflavoured gelatin
2-3 table spoons milk

What to do:

Mix unflavoured gelatin with milk.
Microwave for 15 seconds.
Apply it all over your face right away.
Leave for 15 minutes.
Peel off.

How for me it didn't peel off the same way it said it would on the website it took forever to get it all off.
Don't get it near your eyebrows or you wont need a wax for a bit.
In my opinion it did hurt to come off but, it did work.

I am not adding a before and after photo to this because no one needs to see a close up of my nose.

 Here is a link to the pinterest

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