
Thursday, July 4, 2013

keira and the piping bag

Keira (my niece) loves helping me decorate, bake, cook and pretty much do anything. She is not allowed to help with cake orders for the business because I feel she is a bit to young yet. I decided to play with the cupcake bouquet idea and made enough cupcakes that she could decorate her own. This time I wanted her to try out the piping bag, she has never used one before but I figured now was as good as any time to teach her how to use it.
I gave her 5 cupcakes and her own piping bags, which I am glad I did. Keira decided that every time she used the piping bag she would like the end. Just another reason she is not allowed to help with cake orders.
I showed her how to hold and squeeze the piping bag she caught on very quickly.
I only showed her once and let her go. She watched me do mine and tried to mimic what I was doing.

She did awesome once she got the hang of it and from her pictures you can see that she was really catching on after the first few cupcakes.

It wont be long now before she is helping me with cake orders, well maybe a few years :)

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