
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Car Accident

My little red sports can isn't so good in the rain, the snow or even on damp pavement. I was slowing down for a red light when I hit water and couldn't get stopped. It was just like being on ice and scared the crap out of me. I ended up rear ending a compose. Lucky for me there was no damage to the my car or his compass. My left arm swelled up right away and the kind man was more worried about my arm than the cars Sascha made me go to the hospital they took X-rays and said there was too much swelling to see if anything was broken so they wrapped me up and sent me to see a bone specialist.

Well at least it was only going to be a week with this thing on, with this on I had no use of my left at all. 

Once I got into the bone specialist he wasn't sure if it was fractured or not so he decided to cast it for 4 weeks. What a time that was I had my sister's wedding coming up and well they didn't have any pink cast so I had to go with purple I was really hoping that once it came off I would be okay and good to go. The doctor had told I needed to come back for a bone scan  in 4 weeks and see what was going on.

At least with this I could use my fingers. You would be surprised on how much you rely on your thumb to do things. With the cake business and everything else going on I was very frustrated to say the least.

At my 4 week appointment they took 13 x-rays they didn't even do a bone scan. First they cut the cast off then did the x-ways. He was still worried and decided I need to have an actual bone scan. So with that appointment booked and my cast taped back on I went on my way.

I ended up having to duct tape it on because this tape only stayed on for the first few hours.

Well my bone scan didn't go great to say the least, I had a friends 3 year old with because I was looking after her. The nurse injected me with the dye and I started to feel hot and not so good. I asked him if there was any risk for reaction, he said no. I then started to dry heave and faint. I told little lady when I came to a few minutes later the it was okay I just got really hot and had to lay down for a few minutes. I am very glad she is only 3 and believed what I told her. Once the dye was injected I got to leave for about 3 hours and then I told little lady that we had to go back she "ok, but no getting hot and laying down this time". I must have scared the poor thing.
Once the bone scan was finished I had an appointment with the specialist 1 week later.

Rash caused from when they cut the cast off. Guess me and fiber glass don't get along.

The appointment after the bone scan went well. Turns out nothing is broken or fractured. I have damaged tendons and ligaments along with a a severe sprain. I am in a lot of pain with it and wishing it was a break. I have to wear a brace for the next 8 weeks and go to phyiso. The doctors answer when I asked how long will I be in pain was a long time.

While in the cast and even now my cast are not up to my normal standards and it disappoints me. I am thankful to get out of the cast and able to use my left hand to an extent. My sister is very happy too as her wedding is this weekend and I can take the brace off for pictures.
I start phyiso on Tuesday as there was a mix up between the specialist office and the phyiso office.
I do have to say I will be happy if it ever gets back to normal with no pain!

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