
Friday, July 19, 2013

Annie and The Shelter

Annie was a foster dog of mine, she had been in foster care with me for about a year. Annie is super sweet, loving and loves kids!!!

After being in care for a year with little to no interest we had to make a hard decision to take her to the shelter for more exposure. She was in the shelter for about a month, I hated every moment that she was in there I couldn't go to the shelter to get pictures and she was all I could think about.

A foster dog leaving is never an overly easy thing, but this was different. The shelter we work with is one of the good ones, she got walked everyday and lots of love and play time.

I cried all the way to the shelter, Susan (the shelter manager) pretty much at to force me to leave and I cried all the way home. I was physically sick knowing she felt abandoned.

From the moment she came into care she was a special little lady. She came leaps and bounds from the scared of her own shadow to a confident loving baby. Yes she had her issues with other dogs when it came to bones but that was pretty much it.

I had only planned to leave her there for a week and then bring her back home. We stopped at the pet store and got her tons of raw hyde and food to make through the week.
At the end of the week I went to the shelter with all intentions to pick her up. Annie was soooo happy to see me, Susan said she was doing fine at the shelter and should stay. I struggled with the decision but decided Susan new best and she stayed. She was out in the yard when I left and Annie tired to chase the car it broke my heart seeing the pain in her eyes that I left without her. Right then and there I decided that no matter how long I had a foster dog I would not send them back to the shelter no matter what.

I don't know how owners of dogs they have had 10 years can just drop them at a shelter without even looking back. Especially those who leave their dogs at high kill shelters knowing they will be killed.

Annie waiting for Richard to come out of the pet store.
Stay tuned for a wonderful update on Annie!!!!

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