
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Facebook Share Rant: Dogs in need!!!

In the dog rescue world there is always high emotions and strange poltics that have to be carefully navagated, but there is nothing that makes me more angry and upset then seeing a picture of a moose on facebook that says share me for no reason gets 5000 shares, but a dog that has hours to live only gets 3 shares.

We can share thounsands of usless pictures and videos on facebook without a second thought, but people can't take the couple of seconds to share a dog who is in need.

For those who doubt it, sharing works. Annie had been my foster dog for a year with little no interest in her for the entire year she was with me. I ended up taking Annie back to the shelter to get more exposre hoping that it would help her get adopted. That was the second hardest day of my life (next to Owens adoption day). I wanted to bring her back "home" so bad, but the shelter said she was having people come in and look at her. After a month and me sick almost everyday at the thought she was there (I couldn't even go to the shelter to get pictures), some of the most wonderful ladies that I have the pleasure and honor of working with in the rescue world went down to the shelter and got photos of the dogs there for the facebook page. Once the pictures were online they went on a, sharing and begging for people share her photo, frenzy. The next day, after hundreds of shares Annie had 4 people interested in her and went on a 10 day trail. With 3 other approved adopters in the wings I crossed my fingers and not prayed but begged that it work out for her. By Friday 3 days after her trial started her adoption was finalized. Annie found her forever because of that simple little share button that everyone can click for silly pictures.

If you think about it if everyone who shared that mousse shared a dog in need of a forever home we could have so many more happy endings. All it takes it a click of a button and you move along your news feed.

2 Shares and he is even CKC registered.
5000 shares, just because.

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