
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Kinda helps

We got Ace for a couple of reasons one we wanted to get a dog, two we are animal lovers to the core and three I needed help filling the void. I love my cats but its not the same!

I love my son with all my heart and nothing is this world will ever replace him nor would I ever want to do that. Ace that is what we named the puppy his name was Jace however that is what I called my EX, Richard said we know to many Jays so we just dropped the J and now hes Ace. He is smart and loving and learning everyday which is good I might go crazy if everyday was the first few days lol. The cats still hate him however Twister wont run from him he just beats the puppy up its so funny to watch. Sanity still will not come up stairs but its going to take her a bit longer to adjust but she will get there one day!

So far he has kept me super busy which is a good thing! Between him and Len (our roommate) I dont feel lonely or scared while Richard works night shift. I can actually sleep this time a big part of it is having Len here but Ace wears me out so I am too tired to notice as much :).

The void it will always be there but it is not as empty now. Filling the void a little bit will never change the fact I think about Owen everyday or that I miss him and love him with everything I have but it helps me recover from the loss a little bit. I don't hurt as much day to day as I did before we got him.

Anyway we need to go for our morning walk and then I need to get ready for school. I hope one day this missing piece feeling lets up. Its been 16 months and somedays (they are far and few between now) I hurt so much staying in bed all day seems like a wonderful idea.
I have not gotten an update about Owen in a about a month which is odd very odd I have emailed them twice this month maybe they are just busy which is understandable between work and everything inbetween its hard to find the time. I hope I get one soon!

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