
Thursday, March 24, 2011

New Puppy

So we finally did it! We got a puppy we had been talking about it for a little over a year but couldn't decide what kind to get big or small, pure breed or rescue. Well we one kinda fell into our laps. He is a 5 month old male Huskita which is 1/2 Akita  1/2 Siberian Husky. As it turns out its a pure breed all of its own. He spent his first night with us he was wonderful from the moment he got here. Hes a puppy so he still needs training but he is smart and well behaved for a puppy. He cried for the first 45 mins in his crate when it was bed time last night but then slept until we got up this morning and I took him out right away! Our cats are unhappy but Twister has met him and well his hissed and was unhappy but I feel in time they will get used to each other over time! Richard the one who was on the fence a bit about getting a dog because he was worried about me in school and the puppy needing training was the first one to call his friends and tell them we got a puppy lol and this morning was "awww your so sweet! your such a good puppy" lol so its all good lol. I am enjoying the company well Richard is at training. So far he seems to be fitting in. I am working on getting him into our sch. which so far is working out but we will see how he is well I am at school and hes home with Richard lol. On the up side this is the first time in months that I am up at 6:30AM and stayed awake lol.

I am hoping that he will fill a bit of the void I have been feeling lately worse than normal! Don't get me wrong I love my cats and wouldn't trade them for the world and they are awesome!

Anyway I am going to get dressed, Feed the puppy and take him for a walk!


  1. Even animals get jealous! Isn’t that funny? Anyway, just give your cats some time to adjust and I’m sure that they’ll all get along. After all, they live under the same roof! By the way, what name did you give your dog?

    -Elenora Coward

    1. Hello Elenora,

      He is not so much a puppy anymore, he is now just over 2 years old. One of our cats has since passed away :(. His name is Ace!

      Thank you for commenting
