
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Len and Matt's Keep Birthday Cake

Len and Matt have Birthday's one day apart and both play in the Saturday night game that Richard plays in. Well I decided they needed to have a Birthday cake and I love to bake and try out new ideas, so this cake was going to be Len's keep that seems to the focal point of the game. Well it was no easy task and I had great help from Richard in making this cake. It is in no way perfect but with practice comes great things. So it turned out okay by my standards but everyone else seemed to love it and its going up on Steve (the leader of the game) wall for things to top lol. Guess I am going to have to come up with something even better for the next Birthday in the group lol. It took me aprox. 20 hours to make and put together, a ton of fondant and alot of trial and error. I had never seen a keep before and was going off what Richard and Len thought the floor plan should be. The walls are made out of rice krispy squares not an easy feat and well didn't want to stand up long at least I got a few shots of it in with them up. I am glad everyone enjoyed it and I can't wait for my next cake adventure!

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