
Monday, March 14, 2011

6 Weeks of School Left

There are only 6 weeks left of college and I am so excited. Already have tons of plans and things that need to be done around here, but the thing I am looking forward to the most is being able to have the time to travel to visit Owen. I miss him so much I haven't other than pictures been able to see him between the weather and school there just isnt enough time :(. I seen him 4 times last term at least this term is shorter well feels that way anyway and I will get to see him as much as I want for the entire summer. Well of course expect when they go to their home in Greece for 2-4 weeks :). This year he will have a lot more awareness about Greece and their summer home here in Ontario I think its going to be wonderful to see him interacting with both atmospheres. I am lucky I do not have to work in the summer I get to go into my "housewife mode" which I enjoy. Every part of me achs to see Owen :( I try not to think about it too much. I feel like such a bad "mom" because the weather and school kept getting in the way of visiting with him. I hope he hasn't forgot me :( Its hard being away from him and I don't for a second want him to think that he ever comes second in my life because he doesn't the past three months we just couldn't make a visit work for either side :(. The emails help a little, but seeing him, holding him, playing with him, and just watching him as he does his own thing nothing compares to that! I haven't gotten any new pictures this month but I am hoping I will get some after St.Patty's Day because they wear special colours/outfits on the different special days IE Valentines Day!
Just needed to get some feelings out!

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