
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Owens Valentines Day!!!

At Owens day care they had to dress in pink or red. His "mom" went out and bought him a pink polo shirt (I didn't even have to ask and she told me yes it is a boys shirt lol) to wear with his skinny jeans I bet he looked so cute :). All the daycare women thought he was the cutest one there and "real men wear pink". I thought it was so awesome. If I get pictures of it I will post one on here. With the bad weather coming there will be no visit this weekend I am a little disappointed, but I understand I wouldn't drive out in whats said to be coming either. I can wait to see my not so little man I miss him so much I don't know if its because of the family day tomorrow or what, but I miss him a great deal.

Picture to come if I get one!!!

Got pictures lol the daycare ladies put his hair in a pony tail

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