
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

No ambition

I am in the second term of my course and I love school and I am doing great in all my courses; however, I seem to be lacking the same drive and ambition that I had last term. Getting outta bed to go to school I seem to be dreading. Since I have been in school my house is lacking the cleanings I did to it everyday, I don't cook everyday. Since I have been in school the rest of what I think are important to get done seem to get left to the wayside well school, homework and studying take its place on the top of the importance list. I miss my extremely clean house, my closets that where all organized, my laundry that was folded and hung with all corners matching (Richard cant seem to do that lol). When I am off of school for the weekend I have so much studying and homework to get done I just have no drive to do the house stuff as well. We eat far to much take out (mostly subway) then ever before because I am so tired from everything else I just don't feel like cooking. I know I am venting or ranting, and Richard does help around the house and I love that he does but I feel that it's my "job" not his, I know very 1950 thinking but that's just the way I am. I can not wait until reading week so I can do a huge clean on our home and get things at least semi back to normal until summer break. I am so torn between loving school and hating my only tidied house. At this point I guess I just have to suck it up until reading week and deal with the fact my floors don't get washed everyday and my bath towels are in the same pile as the hand towels (lol Richard can't seem to understand the difference :) ). I love my life and everything about it and I am happy I just wish I had enough energy to get everything done to my standards.

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