
Saturday, February 12, 2011

Owen update

I got a Valentines Day card in the mail with about 15 photos in it of Owen. Hes getting so big he is already up to the counter tops in the kitchen its crazy if he keeps growing like this he is going to be taller than me at five lol. Hes talking more but he seems to be slower at talking than most kids his age; however, he is dressing, undressing and refuses to bed fed he has to feed himself, so I guess hes making up for the talking part :). He is getting 5 teeth all at once right now looks so painful poor thing. He is stubborn as a mule, when he has set his mind to it, its happening no matter what anyone has to say about it. He is built like a little hulk has shoulders like a football player or a hockey goalie. His blue eyes get me every time I look at the photos. Can't for our next visit which will be the end of Feb. start of March I miss him so much. There is not a moment that goes by that I don't think about him and what they are doing. The picture of a picture just doesn't do him justice I am going to make a digital copy of them this week for my mom and sister so I will update this one with a better image of it. The leafs Jersey that he is wearing is one I got him for Christmas it is for 24 months old and it fits him like a glove not to long or big anywhere lol and hes only 15 months old. Its crazy how big he is :).

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