
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Heart Broken

Today we got the said news that a friend of mine lost her daughter. She delivered on Tuesday; however her daughter is now an Angel. She is a wonderful, strong mother to her son. I wish there was some way I could take away the pain I know she is feeling. The ach, the missing, the unwhole feeling, the numbness. The just plan broken. I know that there is a  great difference between our situations but the pain is the same. Since I have heard the news today I have been crying a lot it brings back a lot of feelings that I thought I had buried, that I didn't think I would feel again. I want to reach out to her, to talk with her, to let her know I understand that if she needs to talk, to cry or just to sit with someone who understands the pain and what she is going through that I am here. Yet I have no idea how to do that without becoming emotional myself. I would never wish pain such as what she is going through on anyone ever. I know they are strong and that there is light in the tunnel. My thoughts, prays, and myself are here for her and her family. Her daughter is in a place of great peace.

I like this Poem and sometimes it helps

Sometimes, when the sun goes down,
It seems it will never rise again…
but it will!
Sometimes, when you feel alone,
It seems your heart will break in two…
but it won’t.
And sometimes, it seems
It’s hardly worthwhile carrying on…
But it is.
For sometimes, when the sun goes down,
It seems it will never rise again,
But it does
Frank Brown

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