
Monday, March 9, 2020

Marching to the beat of my own drummer: Spotify Shuffle

Music touches my soul. Each song for a different reason. I love music from all across the board from classical to rap, from metal to country and each for a different reason.

Spotify is my favourite music app. I pay for mine so I can save music and set my phone to offline mode and it doesn't use my data and I can skip as many songs as I want to. Also both my Alexa and Google can use it.

I put on "Your top songs 2019" which is an assortment of songs.

1) Made you miss by maddie poppe Watch the video here
    -- This has a great beat and I love the lyrics to it. It makes me move and sing!

2) Born this way By Lady Gaga  Find info on it here 
   --This is an up beat song! Dancing and moving, singing and feeling great!

3) A man like you by  Emelie Torstensson  Watch the videohere
   --I just like the lyrics to this song

4) Country Girl by Luke Bryan  Read the lyrics here
   --I love his voice and this song makes me dance and move!

5) Hot Mama by Trace Adkins See the video here
    --This song is great! makes every women feel beautiful just like she should

6) Tipsy by J-Kwon See the video here
   --The only reason I like this song is because of the beat. I used a lot of upbeat music when I ran. I also use it when I work out.

 7) Can't let you go by Fabolous Read about it here
  --I love the lyrics to this song as well as the beat. Yes to most they just hear normal "rap" lyrics but to me I hear a love song.

8) Revenge by Pink and Eminem Read the lyrics here
  --The beat of this song is awesome and I just love Pink

9) If it ain't with you by Farewell Angelina See the video here
   -- Love Song need I say more!

10) Crank That by Soulja Boy Listen to it here
     --I like that it is upbeat, but it would seen he is trying to create a dance crazy.

If you haven't noticed my list of music is all over the place and that makes me happy. Depending on my mood I will just let my lists play. But if I can always skip a song when I don't want to hear it.

When I am going homeschool with the kids or writing I tend to listen to a Classical only play list that I found on spotify its called Classical Study Music.

I find it helps me focus and it cleans my soul. Yes I know each artist who created the music has their own reasoning behind it but with classical you can take it in however you are feeling in that moment.

What is you go to music? Why?

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