
Monday, March 2, 2020

Coupon Sites

Yes I am one of "those" people and so is my sister. We coupon and we work together to get amazing deals on things we use all the time.

I get asked a lot where I get my coupons from.

The first place and one of the best places is to go to your local stores and walk the isles they will be there! There are some stores that have a coupon bored at that front of the store where they all are. The Real Canadian Super Store used to but they removed it. A lot of people take the whole tare pad of coupons for some items, this annoys me! I take 5 for me 5 for my sister because couponing is about saving money, not preventing others from using coupons.

Second place is you can email companies and and some of them will send you out coupons. Not all companies do this so don't pin your hopes on it.

Third are websites and this one is a goldmine. Now some of these websites offer mail ours and some of them offer printable coupons. You can only print 2 per computer per web browser. So you can print with explorer, chrome and Mozilla.  Stores will take black and white coupons but I like to print in colour. Each site will allow you print every so many days. For myself I check every week to print whats new. 

These are the websites I use:

All of these sites require you to sign up for an account. 

A couple of mistakes that new couponers tend to make:

--Print ALL the coupons even the ones you want or need. 
--Buy things with coupons that they don't use!!!
--Stock things with expiry dates that will not use up before they expire.

I will try to do a weekly post of my savings and some tips that I have found useful along the way. 
For me finding great deals and having coupons on the stuff we use daily is very exciting. 

Facebook groups for your area and Canadian ones are always a great way to find good deals and where you can trade what you for ones that you might want more.

I am a member of those groups:

Chassitis Couponing Group  (It is a local one)
Kayla's Canadian Couponing Group 
Canadian Coast to Coast Couponing Group (This is my favourite group)

POINTS!!! I might be a little bit of points addict. I collect Scene Points and PC points. 

PC Points 

Yes, I am a PC insider but it is mainly a great deal for parents buying a lot of diapers and things that are baby related. I am one because of my sister and I buy things for diaper cakes and such. 

NOTE*** PULL UPS ARE NOT CONSIDERED DIAPERS which means no extra points for that. 

Apps I use:
Checkout 51 (This my favourite and the one I use the most.)
Caddle (I just started using this one and I am not a huge fan of it yet)

There are other apps out there but anything that requires me to connect my bank account to I will not do as there is too much of a risk.

Online Shopping:
Rakuten Canada (They used to be Ebates)

Do you coupon? Find it scary and hard? Now sure where to start? 

This is my Haul from last week

Captain crunch .78 cents

-- 1.00 coupon
--1.00 cash back from caddle

Bear paws .88 cents
--1.00 off coupon

Soup .50 cents each
--.50 off cauliflower soup when you buy any campbells soup.

Tuna cans .66 cents each
--buy 3 cans save 1.00

Kind bars 8 of them FREE
--1.00 off coupon

Crackers 2.79
--1.00 off coupon

Cascade dishwasher pucks tub 10.00
--3.00 off coupon
--3.00 cash back from check out 51

Dish soap .30 each (40 bottles)
--save 1.50 wyb 2 bottles coupon
--2400 points

French fries FREE
--1.00 off coupon

Handsoap 1.48 each
--50% in store
--.50 off coupon

Would have been 87.83 (these items were all on sale to begin with)

Paid 32.59

Earned 2400 points

Making it .54 cents per item (60 items bought)

No, all 40 bottles of dish soap were not just for me. My sister, a friend and myself split them up so I got 14 bottles and they each got 13 bottles. We all use a lot of dish soap seeing as between the 3 of us we have 7 Adults, 8 Children and 6 Animals. 

Do you have any money saving tips you would like to share?


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