
Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Morning Routine: Homeschool

Snow Days! Today happens to be one of them. With the weather pattern changing we don't get to many snow days anymore.

This routine is the one I use for weekends, holidays, strike days, snows etc. Any day where the two older girls are not in school.

Our morning routine is rather simple and when a child is not at the table doing home school with me the rest are playing. 

If they are up before 7AM they are asked to go watch TV until 7Am

7:00Am: I get up and start breakfast for the children. While I make and serve breakfast, I empty the dishwasher, tidy the kitchen, wash dishes by hand and listen to CBC news on Alexa.

7:30Am: The children all get dressed and get their hair done, I tidy the dinning room prep homeschool for each child into their piles.

8:30Am: I get myself dressed and ready for the day, check emails, answer clients, blog and do other things that need to be done on the computer.

9:00Am: I start with the oldest girl we do her homeschool which includes her workbook, reading books and a fun activity.

9:30Am: The youngest comes and does her homeschool which includes, colouring, stickers and a reading book

9:45Am: I make everyone a snack

10:00Am: Blaine gets to do his home school, this takes a bit longer as we cover a little bit more than what I do with the girls as he is not in school.

10:45Am: The middle girl gets to do her home school which includes, reading books, work books and a fun activity.

11:15Am: We do group which includes reading a book together, learning our address, and other important information, the felt bored and learning about a life skill such as what is friendship.

11:45Am: I start Lunch

Our mornings when the girls don't go to school are all about learning and working together.

We work through each home school activity and the morning just flies by, its crazy how fast it goes when they are learning.

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