
Friday, March 6, 2020

30 Day Challenge: March

How did your month of wall sits go?

Mine didn't go great, every time I went to do my wall sit, a child would either try to sit on me or crawl under me. The dogs would join in with kisses and pawing me. It made the wall sits harder thats for sure.

I can not wait until it is above 10 degrees so I can workout outside while the kids and dogs play or take my workout to the park.

This month I am going to do a plank challenge. Along with doing the daily plank, I will be walking at least 30 minutes and doing my yoga!

I am not in a hurry to get a "summer body" I just want my fitness level back where it was when I was running, I am know its going to take time to get back to that but in the end it will be worth the work!

I found the workout on pinterest. The website can be found here

Don't set yourself up for failure, just do a little bit everyday and slowly add to that as your are comfortable! You deserve to feel your best!

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