
Monday, March 19, 2018

Living without?

First world problems is a term you hear quite often. Its meaning to minimize how bad you think you have it when people in third world country struggle to even find food.

My first world list of 10 things I couldn't live with out!

Yes I know millions starve daily, war torn countries can't even get a break long enough for aid workers to come through with help from places like the Canadian Red Cross and I donate and help those in need as much as I possibly can but we are still allowed to have our likes/wants without feeling guilty because we as a country and as individuals do so much for those in need and we help support everyone we can. Unfortunately many of those countries are run by dictators or terrorist groups and aside from assassination there isn't much reasoning with them.

So here is my first world list of things I couldn't live without

1) Dogs, they are my comfort, my companion
2) My son, my world wouldn't be the same without him
3) Food, this is a well duh moment
5) Water, not to just drink but also it is my peace.
6) Music, it speaks when I can not find the words.
7) My cell phone as I conduct all of my business online pretty much right from my phone, other than blogging I do that from my laptop.
8) Electricity, something anyone who never lived through the big blackout Ontario 2003 takes for granted.
9) My meds, they keep my pain semi bearable and me on an even keel.
10) Sewing machine, I rely on my machine daily not just for client orders, but for personal and household items.

This list was really hard for me because really we can live without everything on my list and we have in the past. Yes all these things make life easier and faster but at the same time have we lost our sense of community with the creation of these things. Some say yes others say our community has grown well for me I think yes the community has grown to encompass the world but at the same time conversations have lost meaning, most are now about who is right/wrong, better, bigger, etc. Nothing is truly meaningful anymore because we hide behind our screens, many not achieving much of anything great, or difference making within our actual communities or the world community.

Yes the creation of many of things we take for granted in the first world made life easier/better and even gave us a bigger community and access to more information than one person can process but at the same time it has made us further apart and our compassion and care for one another within our own small community limited to those of us who grew up without these things!!!

What couldn't you live without?

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