
Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Classical homeschool method

Classical homeschooling, no they are not using classical music to teach homeschooling although I am a huge fan of classical music and I think it speaks to the soul.

This method of homeschooling uses the teachings from antiquity and middle ages to teach at home. They have 3 sections of learning grammar, logic and rhetoric.

The grammar stage is the building blocks for all future learning. This stage is from grade 1- grade 4. There is lots of memorization, at this stage instead of learning about self expression and about their self. They memorize “the rules of each building block” which are phonics, spelling, grammar, poems, vocabulary of foreign languages, stories of history, literature, descriptions of plants, animals, human body, facts of mathematics. Those who support the classical system are strong believers that children of this age find memorization fun.

We use this stage in everyday life when we are teaching babies to talk, walk, eat, learning what objects and colours are etc. Personally in our homeschool we use this stage but not so much in a stuck behind a desk reading over and over again until he remembers it without flaw. I used flash cards to teach colours, numbers, shapes etc and just brought them out a few times a week. Practicing, but using different methods that are fun and both of us involved. I am sure lots of parents who teach classical method don't have their small children stuffed behind a desk for 8 hours a day memorizing “rules” but at the same time there are parents who find the strictness of the classical system works for them and their child.

The logical stage is the why stage, why things happen and cause and effect. This stage starts at grade 5. They start learning science method, history, the algebraic equation, paragraph construction, support thesis and analyzing text not just memorizing everything they read.

This stage here I kinda of like to an extend. I love the asking why, and following up with either trying something and see how it works to make the reaction happen or researching different peoples perspectives on history and the reason for things that happened or caused wars etc. This stage for me starts from the moment they are curious about something be it a 1 year old learning what happens what they pour water or push a ball etc.

The rhetoric stage is the high school stage at this point they pretty much pick what they are passionate about, want to focus on or do as a career.

This stage to me is different, I feel they should be able to follow and explore whatever passion they have at the time starting from a young age.

As a whole it teaches based on the written and spoken word rather than that one a screen. They feel screen learning creates a passive brain.

What will we take from classical homeschooling? Well the memorization but not solely based on written and spoken. Finding out why, how and cause and effect, however this started when he first started asking why and showing an interest in cause and effect. A lot of children thrive in the classical environment and if that is something later on that works well for Blaine we will follow that path but for now is he very hands on and would rather learn that way.

Were you classical homeschooled? Do you Classical homeschool? What are your thoughts and feelings about this method?

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