
Thursday, February 27, 2014

DIY: Photo transfer to wood

This is such a cool idea, I want to more of these just haven't had the time.

At first I didn't believe that it would turn out but mine turned out nicely.

 What you need:
-A piece of wood (I got mine at Wal-Mart)
-A laser printed copy of your photo, the copy should be the mirror image of how you would like it to appear on the wood. This ONLY works with laser copies. It won’t work with ink jet.
-Modge Podge
-Gel Medium (I used Mod Podge from Michel's)
-A sponge brush
-Scissors to cut out your photo
-A rag to soak your photo
-A cup or plate to pour your gel medium and modge podge into
-A boning tool or plastic card to get the air bubbles out with

Full instructions here

I used did this Pinterest one, but I liked how this one turned out better.

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