
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Grating cheese to save money!!

We are a one income family, with renovations, the dogs, rescue work and of course my new small business living on one income can get tight to say the least.

We go through A LOT of grated cheese as most families do.

One of the main ways I help to save money around the house is I stock up when its on sale.So one the big things I buy while its on sale is brick cheese! I grate my own cheese so no buying bags of grated cheese at the store that is super expensive. I grate the cheese put it into small ziplock bags then put those into a large freezer bag and freeze it!!!

I take it out as I need it, grated cheese at the store goes for $7.00 or more but my grating my own I get 3-4 ziplock bags per large block of cheese which I buy when its on sale for 3.00 a large brick!

****NOTE**** freezing the whole brick with cause it to crumble when sliced, not a good idea.

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