
Friday, February 28, 2014

One Direction Cupcakes

These were cupcakes for a class.

I am not sure what is with the craze for red velvet but these are red velvet with cream cheese butter cream and topped with a one direction edible image.

These were a huge hit for a young lady and her class on her birthday.

Oven Omelet

These are cute, super simple and very convent. Once again it was an idea I found on Pinterest and decided to give it a try.

I used normal eggs not just egg whites and I used milk, just like if I was making a normal omelet. I put green peppers, cheese and ham in mine but you can put pretty much anything you want in them.

What you'll need

  • 4 large eggs
  • 1/4 cup half-and-half
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • Assorted mix-ins (such as shredded cheese, diced vegetables, and cooked and chopped bacon, ham, or sausage)
  • Grated Parmesan cheese (optional)

The full instructions can be found here

This is the link to the pin.

Cheetah Print Cake

Now what happened to this cake can happen to fondant and this is why I do not like to cover cakes in fondant. I would much rather do smooth coat butter cream and fondant accents.

Everything on this cake is edible expect for the feather.

DIY fruit and veggie wash

I love fruit, I hate how it goes bad so quickly though.

Trolling Pinterest I came across a way to wash fruit that would increase shelf life. Once I saw it and knew I had to give it a try. At first I was worried that it would change the taste of the fruit, but it didn't. It actually worked and made the fruit last longer by about an extra week.

I didn't leave the soft fruit like the strawberries in as long as I did the apples.

Make sure your sink is very clean. 
(UPDATE:  I have been getting a lot of comments about sinks being so dirty.  Sure they can be.  I wash my dishes and clean my kitchen from my sink, so I’m careful to make sure my sink is clean.  Obviously.)

Fill a sink halfway with lukewarm water.
Add 1 cup of white vinegar.
Add your fruit. Don’t over fill your sink with fruit.
Soak for about 10 minutes (shorter for berries – about 2 – 5 minutes).
Rinse well.

The original website that the idea came from. 

The link to the Pin on Pinterest.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

VW cake and cupcakes

This was another fun cake to make. I was contact a client to see if we could make a VW cake and cake pops but, we do not make cake pops so I offered to make cupcakes with fondant Beetles on top of each one. They agreed.

This cake a lot of detail to it.

The cake was vanilla with vanilla butter cream.

The cupcakes were red velvet with cream cheese butter cream.

Both the client and her son were very happy with the finished product even if it was cupcakes instead of cake pops.

DIY frozen yogurt dots

Both the kids and myself love these. They are a quick, easy and healthy snack.

So simple to make.

What you need:

A piping bag
Parchment paper
Cookie sheet
Ziplock bags


Fill your piping bag with your favourite yogurt.

Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper.

Start putting yogurt dots onto the parchment.

Put cookie sheet into the freezer when the dots are frozen. About an hour.

Transfer dots to snack bags and put back into the freezer until ready to eat


Pinterest Link

Vote for_________cupcakes

What better way to get votes in a school election than by giving out free cupcakes!!!

Each cupcake was the words Vote 4 Levi on them there were 50 chocolate and 50 vanilla, boy was my hand tired after piping all of them lol

DIY: Photo transfer to wood

This is such a cool idea, I want to more of these just haven't had the time.

At first I didn't believe that it would turn out but mine turned out nicely.

 What you need:
-A piece of wood (I got mine at Wal-Mart)
-A laser printed copy of your photo, the copy should be the mirror image of how you would like it to appear on the wood. This ONLY works with laser copies. It won’t work with ink jet.
-Modge Podge
-Gel Medium (I used Mod Podge from Michel's)
-A sponge brush
-Scissors to cut out your photo
-A rag to soak your photo
-A cup or plate to pour your gel medium and modge podge into
-A boning tool or plastic card to get the air bubbles out with

Full instructions here

I used did this Pinterest one, but I liked how this one turned out better.

Bear cake

I love cakes that I have fun making and this cake happened to be one of those cakes!!!

The top cake is a removable bear smash cake for baby!

I had fun making the fondant for this cake and its super cute!

DIY: Laundry Scent Crystals

ohhhh how I LOVE the smell of clean laundry! What I love even more are those scent crystals you buy at Wal-Mart and put into the washer when you wash your clothes but they tend to very hard on the pocket book.

Trolling Pinterest (My new favourite hobby) I came across a way to make your own and decided to give it a shot.

Turns out they are awesome and smell just as nice, even better that I can choose from all the fun scents at the Water Bug here in Sarnia.

What a escapade it was trying to find ice cream salt, turns out I couldn't so I used something else. I went to Lablaws (The real Canadian Super Store), looked everywhere couldn't find any so I found an employee to help me out. He looked at me like I had three heads when I asked him what I was looking for and took me to the road salt. So after three employees, who all took me to the road salt, and no one could find what I was looking for I opted for course canning salt. It works well, but I have found the salt at the bulk barn so I am going to use that from now on. I used a whole bottle of scent because well I love things to smell good.


Pour 2lbs of course sea salt into a bowl mix in 20-30 drops of essential oil, like I said I used the whole bottle lol

Pinterest Link

I love these don't use anything but them now!!!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

FootBall Cake

The same women who ordered the toopy edible image caked wanted a small cake for her husband made. She requested it to be in the shape of a food.

This was a very plain and simple cake.

The cake is chocolate cake with chocolate fudge icing and vanilla butter cream.

DIY: Fabreze

I love fabreze but its hard on the pocket book and I am not a fan of the no name stuff.

I found an idea on Pinterest to make your fabreze but I changed it up a bit.

Here is the recipe:

What you’ll need:

  • 1/8 Cup of fabric softener (your favorite)
  • 2 tablespoons baking soda
  • Hot tap water
  • Spray bottle (use an empty 27 oz. Febreze bottle)

Combine all ingredients in bottle, shake well and use! 

Link to original blog post. 

Now how I changed it I use rubbing alcohol instead of hot water, I found when using hot water it left a spray mess on my tv and dark wood furniture. 

How I make it:

I used 1/8 fabric softener (whatever I can find on sale that smells nice). Using a funnel I put it in the bottle and added the baking soda I then fill the bottle almost full with the rubbing alcohol. 
Put the lid back on and shake, make sure you shake it before use every time!

This stuff is awesome and I will never buy it again from the store. 

 Pinterest Link

Toopy and Bino edible image cake

Our edible printer is amazing and its great for last minute orders. We can print any image a client sends and put it on a cake.

This cake cake is rainbow inside and bright colours for the icing.

Grating cheese to save money!!

We are a one income family, with renovations, the dogs, rescue work and of course my new small business living on one income can get tight to say the least.

We go through A LOT of grated cheese as most families do.

One of the main ways I help to save money around the house is I stock up when its on sale.So one the big things I buy while its on sale is brick cheese! I grate my own cheese so no buying bags of grated cheese at the store that is super expensive. I grate the cheese put it into small ziplock bags then put those into a large freezer bag and freeze it!!!

I take it out as I need it, grated cheese at the store goes for $7.00 or more but my grating my own I get 3-4 ziplock bags per large block of cheese which I buy when its on sale for 3.00 a large brick!

****NOTE**** freezing the whole brick with cause it to crumble when sliced, not a good idea.

Pirate Cookies

We don't do decorated cookies very often, but once in a while we get an order for them. These were easy and super cute. They were a last minute order from a new client.

The kids loved them!!

The cookies are made with our standard sugar cookie recipe and the icing is a sugar cookie icing that tastes amazing!

Our sugar cookie recipe creates hard sugar cookies not soft ones.

Owens 4th Birthday update

WOW how time flies when you have children, yes even the ones you are not parenting, Owen had his fourth Birthday end of Nov. He had an amazing birthday with both family and friends from school.

He has grown so much and into such a handsome man. Owen is doing amazing in school, he loves everyone and everyone loves him. I am so proud of how kind and gentle of a child he has become!!

This photo was taken in September she loves being in front of the camera, posing for everyone.

Wedding Shower Cupcakes

There is not much more special than the joining of two families.

This past summer (2013) we were asked to do cupcakes for a wedding shower that would be introducing the wedding the party to each other. I thought that was a wonderful idea!

The cupcakes are Vanilla and Chocolate!

Everything is edible on the cupcakes expect for the veils they were made out of tula.